
Graduation Ceremony Blanquerna FCRI: «This will always be your home»

Graduation Ceremony Blanquerna FCRI: «This will always be your home»

June 19, 2017

In the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar we celebrated the graduation of the 20th promotion of Degrees in Communication and 2nd of the Degree in International Relations, at an overflowing ceremony of more than two thousand people, including students and their families.

«Now you leave to the professional world, but always remember that this is your home,» said the Dean of our School, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, during his speech. The commencement speaker of the promotion, the cinema director and writer David Trueba, from the other side of the trench, finished: «I hope that when you are working in the professional world, you tell me that I was the commencement speaker of your promotion. I'm very excited to be here.»

In their speeches, the students Rita Cintas from the Degree in Film and Television; Ariadna Cardó and Ariadna Pey, from Advertising and Public Relations; Laia Bosch from International Relations and Núria Botet from Journalism, recalled their years at Blanquerna, the glories and sorrows during exams and the good times with their friends.

Best academical record prizes

David Trueba, commencement speaker


Excellence is the future