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Giorgia Miotto

Dr. Giorgia Miotto: "Blanquerna has approved the first single Research Plan for the entire Foundation"

February 2, 2024

On the institutional balance and future projection, Dr. Giorgia Miotto reviewed the five aspects of the strategic framework: teaching, research, management, external relations and internationalization. With regard to teaching, she highlighted the success of the Blanquerna proposal in relation to the PAPs in Education, which has made it possible to recover the number of enrollments of a few years ago; she also expressed pride in having the first class of the University Specialization Diploma in Social and Labor Inclusion at the FPCEE, which graduated last June. And finally, she highlighted the importance of the bachelor degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication being positioned as number one in Spain in the CYD ranking, compiled by the Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (Knowledge and Development Foundation).

With regard to research, she announced that last week the first single research plan for the entire Blanquerna Foundation 2024-2029 was approved, with the definition of the research structure within each school: vice-deans, institutes, groups, IP; the reactivation of the Strategic Research Council; the definition of research support tools; the definition of common criteria for the evaluation of researchers; and the inclusion of knowledge transfer as an active part of research activity. She also highlighted some of the most important projects currently underway.

In the management area, she explained the consolidation of the website as the first channel of contact for future students, with 41,568 monthly users, a growth of more than 161%; IT infrastructures have been improved with the new Wi-Fi network and the implementation of EDR software for detection and response to threats; academic and staff management processes have also been automated and improved (new payroll software); new Sigma applications (Erasmus Without Papers); a new internal management model for payments to collaborators. A review and update is also being carried out on the Criminal Compliance system. And finally, new proposals are being made in catering with investments for the start of the year 2024 and a new gastronomic offer adapted to the different members of the university community (students and staff).

In the field of external relations, she highlighted the events celebrating the 75th anniversary; the signing of a framework collaboration agreement with the Abbey of Montserrat, and a specific agreement with the FPCEE to develop educational material, within the framework of the forthcoming celebration of the Monastery's Millennium during the next academic year 2024-2025; and with the FCRI work is also being done to support the most important events through the master's degree in Protocol. She also explained the constitution of the Committee of Experts at the FCRI with a first meeting with representatives of Prensa Ibérica, Grup Godó, Gestmusic Shine Iberia, Arcadia Films, Banc Sabadell, BBDO and the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. And finally, the signing of a global collaboration agreement between the FPCEE and the Escola Cristiana Foundation (which represents 434 schools and more than 260,000 students in Catalonia). In this section, she concluded by recalling Blanquerna's commitment to the SDGs through the committee that is responsible for promoting the coordination of actions and strategies of the different URL institutions and providing information on indicators, reports, surveys and reports on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

In the area of international relations, she highlighted the celebration of the Emerson-Blanquerna Global Communication Summit, which coincided with the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and featured two high-profile lectures: The episcopal nuncio in Spain and Andorra, Bernardito C. Auza, and the former Portuguese minister and specialist in freedom of expression, Jose Alberto Azeredo. She also referred to the eight Chapters that were held last year in different countries around the world and the record increase in FPCEE student placements, both outgoing and incoming. She then reported on the enrollment data for bachelor's and master's degrees and on the status of pre-enrollment.

Changes to the FCRI management team
Finally, Dr. Giorgia Miotto reported on the changes to the FCRI management team after the dean Dr. Josep Lluís Micó resigned for personal reasons. The new management team that will assume the positions from February 1 is: Dr. Marc Polo will be the new dean; Dr. Sandra Vilajoana, Vice-dean for Academic Affairs in Bachelor Degrees, Graduate Studies, Master's Degrees, and Quality; Dr. Míriam Díez will remain as Vice-dean for Research and International Relations; professor Mayka Fernández will continue as Academic Secretary; professor Montserrat Arbós will be the new Director of the Bachelor Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication; Dr. Josep Ma. Picola will be the new Director of the Bachelor Degree in Advertising, Public relations and Marketing; Dr. Judith Colell will be the new Director of the Bachelor Degree in Audio-visual Communications; professor Onno Seroo will remain as Director of the Bachelor Degree in International Relations; professor Jordi Collell will continue as Director of the Bachelor Degree in Global Communication Management; and Dr. Ignasi Boada will be the new Director of the Humanities Department. Dr. Miotto gave special thanks to Dr. Micó for his dedication to the School and to the other incoming and outgoing faculty members for their work.

Finally, it was also announced that Dr. Marta Moragas has been replaced by Dr. Josep Solà as Director of the Bachelor Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the FPCEE.

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