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Conveni de col·laboració entre Blanquerna FPCEE i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

Signing of the MasterTIC agreement with Blanquerna FPCEE.

Blanquerna FPCEE and the Barcelona City Council sign a partnership agreement to combat the digital divide among the elderly

February 29, 2024

On February 26th, Dr. Jordi Riera, Dean of the Blanquerna School of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sport, signed with the second deputy mayor, Ms. M. Eugenia Gay, an agreement to support and advise the City Council of Barcelona on educational policies to assist and support learning for the elderly, and to reduce the number of students with disabilities.

The project is known as MasterTIC and is geared towards enhancing the digital skills of this age group.

The project is part of the plan "Barcelona, elderly-friendly city 2022-2030", to build a city that fosters the autonomy of the elderly.

The MasterTIC project will follow in the footsteps of the Sèn10r-tic project, launched in 2022 with the goal of narrowing the digital divide among seniors through training activities in digital skills. These actions will be conducted in social and health centers, homes and spaces for the elderly in the city.

The MasterTIC project will consist of:

  • Running four training workshops: cybersecurity, artificial intelligence tools and resources, tools to combat misinformation and participation tools.
  • Forging a community of facilitators in digital skills to teach courses and monographs.
  • Holding a first contact meeting with people interested in working on potential activities of the training model and fostering networking.

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