Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Aquesta iniciativa serveix com un espai estratègic de diàleg, vehiculació d’idees i canalització de creativitat entre joves i professionals, per a consolidar el sector audiovisual de Catalunya.

Blanquerna FCRI, in the first edition of Pitching Audiovisual University-Industry

October 22, 2015

This initiative serves as a strategical space for dialogue, circulation of ideas and channeling of creativity between professionals and audiovisual students in order to consolidate this sector in Catalonia.

In total, 16 projects in three different categories (fiction, non-fiction and new media) have been presented in front of 60 companies.

Among those projects selected, four were by Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations’ students; to be specific, Final Degree Projects of Cinema and TV (Audiovisual Communication).

About 15 of our students have shared their work with the representatives of the most prominent Catalan production companies with the goal of reaching production agreements.

The presentation at the CCCB was presided by the representatives of the universities which made this initiative possible, the dean of the School, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, among them.


Excellence is the future