
ATIC rebutja el decret 3+2 de reestructuració de graus i màsters

ATIC rejects the decree restructuring degrees and masters in 3 years + 2 years

March 24, 2015

The Spanish Association of Universities with Degrees in Information and Communication (ATIC), held a General Assembly, expressing their opposition to the changes proposed by the Ministry of Education, to modify the duration of degrees of four years to three years.

According to the statement, the ATIC opposes the Royal Decree 43/2015, considering that "the step called 3+2, in its present form, can only lead to a degradation of the university and its role in modern societies".

ATIC members, and among them, Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations of Ramon Llull University, consider that the lack of consistency in the duration of the same degree in different Spanish universities "will result in a very significant imbalance in the system."

[+] Download the full press release.


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