School of Communication and International Relations
Study Advertising, Journalism, Audio-visual Communication, Digital Communication, Global Communication Management and International Relations at Blanquerna-URL
Choosing Blanquerna-URL to take these courses of study means choosing teaching quality, the latest technology and optimal employability. Choosing the School of Communication and International Relations means choosing educational innovation and, ultimately, opportunities.
Welcome Message from the Dean
Welcome to the Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University School of Communication and International Relations.
Our educational institution is fully committed to the ongoing pursuit of academic excellence. We are proud to have a team of highly qualified, active professors who share their knowledge and practical experience with the goal of preparing our students for the challenges the professional world has ahead of them.
At Blanquerna we have a strong belief in the importance of personalized education. Here each student is unique, and we are committed to providing a bespoke learning environment that is tailored to suit their individual needs. We endeavor to offer up-to-date and innovative learning, ensuring that our students are at the forefront of their fields of study.
Our studies are noteworthy for achieving high rates of job placement, thanks to strong partnerships with both domestic and internationally acclaimed companies. Our students have the opportunity to undertake internships in renowned companies, both at home and abroad, allowing them to gain priceless experience and develop practical skills that will prepare them for the world of work.
We understand the importance of humanistic learning. Beyond acquiring technical knowledge, we foster the development of interpersonal, ethical and social skills that will contribute to the integral growth of our students.
We also provide the opportunity to explore cross-disciplinary training in the field of communication, enabling students to learn about several different areas before choosing the specialty that best suits their interests and aptitudes.
In order to boost internationalization, we provide opportunities for internships abroad and offer studies in English, ensuring that our students are well-equipped to face global challenges and communicate efficiently in an international environment.
We are committed to providing quality education that inspires critical thinking, creativity and excellence. We are eager to accompany you on your educational journey and professional training.
Welcome to Blanquerna, where the future begins today!
Dr. Marc Polo, Dean.
Blanquerna- Ramon Llull University School of Communication and International Relations
Internship agreements
Mobility agreements
Research groups
The School's faculty executive team
Dr. Sandra Vilajoana
Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs and Teaching innovation
Dr. Míriam Díez
Vice-Dean of Research, Transfer, Doctorate and International Relations
Dr. Oscar Mateos
Vice Dean for Quality, Students/Alumni, and Employability
Mrs. Mayka Fernández
Academic secretary
[email protected]
A host of resources at your fingertips
Availing of professional equipment and materials is absolutely essential to giving optimal preparation for entering the workforce. Hence, we place all the resources you need to acquire knowledge at your fingertips.
Television studios
In front of or behind the camera? You can work on any of these skills in the school's two television studios. In addition to the cameras, you can learn how the production room, the lighting and the teleprompter work.
Video post-production rooms
Available for both academic work and personal projects, you will find a total of 9 audio and video post-production rooms at the school, equipped with pioneering programs such as Photoshop, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Audition.
Radio studios
Whether it's broadcasting live or recording a podcast, you'll find all the equipment you need to do radio. The school has two radio studios and three individual workspaces equipped with microphones and telephones for external interviews.
Professional cameras
Going into the world of work having been able to use professional equipment is essential. That's why we provide you with cameras that are used in the Audiovisual Communication and Journalism sectors so that you can learn with professional teams.
Audio equipment
Both image and sound are essential to create a good audiovisual piece. You will find all kinds of equipment for sound recording. The microphones work with XLR connections and cannot be connected to non-professional equipment.
Lighting equipment
The lighting in the shootings varies in many cases and needs to be adjusted when recording an audiovisual piece. That's why, in addition to video and audio equipment, we offer a variety of lighting accessories.
Camera accessories
You have a wide range of accessories for professional cameras to get the best results in filming. Remember that you can use it for both personal and academic projects, always making the relevant reservation in advance.
Computer rooms
If you have a job or just need a computer, you can go to the computer classrooms or workspaces and use the Macs we have at your disposal.
Using the latest equipment and audio-visual techniques is part of the learning process and enables students to enter the world of work with a broad knowledge of computer science. For this reason, the schools are equipped with audio-visual material for viewing and editing and a video library.
ICT services
Our facilities include Mac computers, state-of-the-art software, WiFi network and printers to provide students with all the materials they need in their learning process.
The school has an auditorium that can be used for celebrations, academic events, conferences or activities. In addition to the school's events, the space hosts other occasions that require ample space.
Academic Secretary
The Academic Secretaries of the Blanquerna faculties are the space for students to relate to the processes linked to the registration of official and own courses.
All the services you need during your course
We want your university experience to be as rewarding as possible. That's why we offer a whole range of services that you can use whenever you need them.
If you need a quiet space to study or to do individual and group work, come to the library! Each school has its own library with computers, workrooms, reading points and an extensive catalog of documents you can consult in both hard copy and digital format.
Solidarity action
Solidarity and the struggle for human dignity are values that identify us. Solidarity Action is a volunteer program that our students can join to participate in projects in the Third and Fourth World.
Pastoral Area
In the three Blanquerna faculties, you will find spaces for reflection isolated from the hustle and bustle dedicated to the celebration of the Faith or cultural and religious animation. If you wish, you can also receive personalized attention and information about church life.
Diversity support
At Blanquerna we promote personal development at all levels to people with a diversity of specific needs from a normalizing context that encourages personal autonomy and uniqueness.
Scholarships and grants service
At Blanquerna, we put the future within everyone's reach thanks to our scholarships and grant service to start or continue studying at our schools. Financial aid is both internal and external to the university. You will find a wide range of possibilities.
Attention service for high level athletes
At Blanquerna we facilitate the incorporation and monitoring of the academic pace of all those people who are High Level athletes based on tutorials and personalized attention to study each case.
Personal Guidance Service (SOP)
If you are in a difficult situation in the academic, personal or social field, you can request, free of charge, the personalized attention of the SOP. This is an interdisciplinary team of professionals who will guide you in dealing with the situation.
Language support service
Are you studying a foreign language and want to improve your level? Do it at your own pace in the language self-learning classroom. This service offers various teaching resources and materials to practice the language.
Student Council
Contact between students and the university is constant and is channeled through the Student Council, the body that collects proposals and requests from students and facilitates university life.
Student representatives
Each class group must elect a representative to put forward concerns or make proposals to the faculty members and academic management. At the same time, each degree must appoint a delegate and each school a representative on the general URL council.
International Mobility Office
Going abroad is a unique opportunity to discover the plurality of the world. Aware of the importance of the internationalization of studies, we have established mobility agreements around the world.
Job Bank
The leap into the world of work is always a challenge. For this reason, we provide a Job Bank for students and graduates. This service puts students in touch with companies and institutions looking for staff.
This service provides graduates with the necessary means so that they can actively participate in their professionalism and propose optimal candidates to organizations and companies looking for staff.
Internship service
Professional experience is a core part of our methodology. For this reason, we have a broad spectrum of internship agreements to meet the needs and preferences of all students. You will graduate having worked in your industry.
Programa de Mentoring
Ets estudiant o Alumni dels graus en Comunicació o del Grau en Relacions Internacionlals i tens un projecte que requereix equipament tecnològic i assessorament professional? Posem a la teva disposició el programa de mentoring, un servei per donar suport tecnològic i assessorament a aquests projectes.
Alumni service
Studying in Blanquerna allows you to be part of our community. Being a college student opens the door to a lot of options for continuing your vocational training beyond your time in the classroom.
University dormitories
Living in Barcelona is a unique experience and, even more so, in a university residence. Blanquerna has agreements for URL students who want to live in any of the residences within their reach.
Bar / Restaurant
The nerve center of the quintessential faculties is the bar. There, teachers, students and staff meet throughout the day for breaks or meals.
The chapel is the right place to find recollection, peace, to focus, to pray and to celebrate the Eucharist weekly and at important liturgical moments (Christmas, Ash Wednesday and Easter). The sacrament of reconciliation is also celebrated.
Sports service
Want to represent the URL in college sports tournaments? You can find a wide range of possibilities for both individual and team sports. To be a student of Blanquerna, you will have a discount at the Can Caralleu and La Salle Sport & Fitness sports complexes.
Quality of studies
The new European and national legislative framework itself, through the LOU, establishes that universities must ensure that their actions meet the objectives associated with the courses they teach and pursue their continuous improvement. As a result, universities must have policies, formally established and publicly disseminated, that guarantee internal quality.
To this end, the School has developed an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), which on the basis of evaluations within the framework of the AUDIT program, received a positive assessment from the University System of Catalonia's Quality Agency, which is in accordance with the guidelines established in this program.
Research at the school
The research work of the school focuses on both basic research (linked to the academic world) and applied research (linked to companies and institutions).
Studies with an international dimension
To become international is to discover the plurality in oneself, while discovering the plurality in others. Traveling and meeting people, mixing cultures and languages, all contribute to our life experience and our growth as human beings and as professionals.