Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Tutorial action plan of the School of Communication and International Relations


This document contains the Tutorial Action Plan of the Blanquerna-URL Faculty of Communication and International Relations, and presents the strategies and resources that, in this sense, have been implemented since the very moment of its creation, in 1994. .

The tutorial accompaniment has been the pillar around which the academic structure of our Faculty has been built, personalized in the figure of the professor of the subject of Seminar, who is, at the same time, the tutor of the student. Adapted to the needs of each course, this subject is present in each and every one of the eight semesters and articulates around twenty small groups (or Seminars), composed of no more than fifteen students and with a tutor assigned to each . This structure allows a practical and in-depth work in the contents of work and, in addition, gives the student a close figure of dialogue and supervision that we understand essential.

However, this Tutorial Action Plan is a broader frame of reference, as it includes all the agents and tools that the student may need to solve both the academic and personal and professional challenges that arise throughout of his university life.


2.1. Historical foundations of the 'Tutorial Action' concept

Pujol and Fons (1978) already speak, from a study on the English Tutorial System linked, above all, to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, of the tutorial action as a renewing measure in the forms of relationship between the student and teacher. According to the same authors, it was William de Wykeham (1379) who built the idea of a tutorial system in the image and likeness of what he saw in the Art Colleges of Paris, where senior students supervised the learning process of the rest of students. Wykeham will adapt the model to Oxford, where at the time the management of the colleges prioritized only the economy and compliance with the rules. The first time the term 'tutor' is mentioned in the statutes of an English college is at the end of the s. XVI, at Brasenose College, where two types of teachers are distinguished: those who teach classes and those (tutors) who took on the responsibility of overseeing the personal and academic development of students. To the. In the 19th century, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge organized their teaching methodologies based on the close student-teacher relationship (Blas Bermejo Campos, 1998), and the theoretical contributions of the Escola Nova movement, from the late 19th and early 19th centuries. XX, will enable the construction of a new educational model anchored in the construction of learning by the student himself, but absolutely accompanied by a trained and specialized teacher in what we will later call 'tutorial action'. In the same study, Pujol and Fons (1978) consider the difficulty of implementing the English tutorial system in Spanish universities due to its overcrowding and the shortage of teachers. The baseline report (Robbins Report) states that the Tutorial System is a difficult method to implement when there are large numbers of students. The reasons he points out are fundamental:

  1. It is very demanding depending on which student profile;
  2. It is very expensive; and
  3. It involves an excessive expenditure of time and dedication on the part of teachers.

For all this, González Simancas (1984) concludes that its implementation in European universities, and in particular in Spanish universities, must be accompanied by an important structural and methodological reform.

2.2. Background in the framework of the EHEA

Following the commitments made in the Lisbon Convention (1997) for European convergence in university studies, what is now known as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has been structured around two major documents: the Bologna Declaration (1999) and the Prague Declaration (2001). The first, inspired by the Magna Carta of the University of Bologna, sets out six basic objectives that should allow European students to share a single labor market and do so with guarantees of full competitiveness: a comparable degree system, in two cycles - undergraduate and postgraduate - with a common credit framework, which promotes mobility in its European dimension and with comparable quality methodologies. The second Declaration adds three strategic lines for the consolidation of the EHEA: to guarantee a lifelong learning process; work to ensure that university institutions and students are “constructive and competent partners” in establishing this new framework; and to promote this area of European Higher Education beyond Community borders. These three ideas renew the role of the teacher as well as the forms of transmission and evaluation of knowledge: the Bologna and Prague Declarations lead us to an educational paradigm that relies more on learning than on teaching. As Uría explains. R and others (2007), “we are facing the challenge of renewing the role of the teacher and the forms of transmission and evaluation of knowledge”.

Within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, therefore, a new university reality appears which is characterized by:

  • Increasing student mobility and participation policies.
  • Increasing student heterogeneity.
  • A change in the educational paradigm, which focuses the learning process on the student.
  • A demand from the University to respond to the new professional requirements of an internationalized labor market.
  • A requirement for guidance, monitoring and assessment systems as key elements to ensure the quality of the learning process.

In relation to the latter issue, the Council of the European Union has pointed out that guidance policies are a key element in the framework of the whole education system. In the resolution Strengthening policies, systems and practices on permanent guidance in Europe (2004: 9286/04) emphasizes “the importance of guidance to promote the economic and social integration of citizens by supporting everyone’s access to education, training and job opportunities, increasing completion rates. all levels of education and training, including supplementary and higher education and adult education and training, and promoting the professional and geographical mobility of students and workers in Europe ”.

In the process of verification and accreditation of official university degrees in the State, ANECA has indicated the Student Support Services as one of the nine evaluable quality criteria (“The centers where teaching is given, as well as the University itself, carry out information, guidance and support actions aimed at the student and that affect or affect their learning process from their entrance to their graduation ”) (ANECA, 2006: 8), and the AQU (2004) highlights it as one of the four that make up the evaluation of the development of teaching in each university center (along with the organization of teaching, teaching methodology and complementary curricular activities ). In the External Assessment Guide for University Education, the Agency emphasizes the need for a “service, plan or program of guidance and support to the student that includes attention to the student from the entry to the degree until graduation (...); a tutorial action plan (...) and specific plans or actions aimed at facilitating the professional insertion of graduates ”.

2.3. Background in the teaching improvement plan of the Faculty

Since its inception (1993-94 academic year), the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations (FCRI) has articulated a corpus of theoretical and reflective documents on the role of the tutor and the tutorial process, many of them anticipating what has since been established by the various European regulations. This corpus responds to the structural model of small working groups (Seminars) applied by this University since its creation. Therefore, and in application of all the orientations and indications of the pertinent estates, the own reports and academic documents that configure the Plan of Action Tutorial are the following:

  • Study “Individual monitoring tools for student academic progress” (1993-94 academic year), prepared by the Humanities Department.
  • Study “Tutoring and individualization in learning today. Individualized attention to the university environment from a qualitative perspective ”(1994), by Del Cerro, S. and Morón, S.
  • Study “Methodology of university work” (1995-96 academic year), Humanities Area (Clotet, N. and Morón, S.). This document anticipates the methodological proposals for university work that will take shape in the EHEA two years later.
  • Study “Analysis of the Anglo-Saxon model. New methodological proposals ”(1996), by Castellón, M. and Morón, S.
  • Academic document “How to accompany students on their university journey” (1997-98 academic year), made by the Humanities Department team.
  • Study “Methodological tools of university work” (1998-99 academic year), by the Humanities Area (Morón, S. and Radigales, J.). Update and structuring of the principles, objectives and activities around the first year of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication.
  • Annual internal documents (during the years 2000 to 2012) of the Humanities Area for the updating of the methodological proposals on tutorial follow-up and individualized attention of the student, in accordance with the changes detected in the academic profile of the students.
  • Document “University attitude, discursive rigor and expressive mastery” (2012-13 academic year), by the Humanities Department (Miralles, E., Morón, S. and Salazar, A.), aimed at first-year students, with special attention to the role of the tutor.


3.1. Conceptual framework

From the new educational paradigm that focuses on student learning processes, methodological changes and tutorial action emerge as key tools without which there can be no implementation of this new paradigm. In the search for a global definition based on studies published by the Spanish academic world, Bermejo Campos (1998) concludes that the tutorial action “is a function strongly linked to guidance, the exercise of which, at least in Our context corresponds to the teacher tutor, who is concerned with the development of specific guidance activities and who is responsible in the school development framework, not only academic, but also personal and social of the group of students assigned to him ” . Referring explicitly to higher education, Ferrer (2003) defines tutoring as “the activity of the teacher-tutor aimed at fostering a permanent maturation process, through which the university student manages to obtain and process correct information about himself and the their environment, within intentional approaches to reasoned decision making: integrate the constellation of factors that shape its life trajectory; to strengthen one's self-concept through life experiences in general and work experiences in particular; deploy the precise skills and attitudes to integrate work into a global life project ”. The tutorial action defined by the Blanquerna model can be understood as:

Process of integral accompaniment of the student throughout his academic career, taking into account not only his instrumental learning but also his personal attitudes and everything that defines his life path, in order to make him responsible for his own educational process.

As Rodríguez Uría et al points out. (2007), one of the most important differences detected in the comparison between the Spanish education system and those of its EHEA counterparts is the underdevelopment of personalized tutorial care, with the paradox that the teaching model which promotes the EHEA has, precisely, as one of its axes the autonomous work of the student. And this is not possible without a complete tutorial action. In the same study, it is pointed out that within the framework of European higher studies, four major tutoring models can be defined:

  1. Academic model, in which the tutorial action is limited to informing or orienting on everything that has to do with the work of the subjects (doubts, evaluations, bibliography, etc.);
  2. Teaching model, which he defines as “a special form of knowledge transmission, of teaching methodology”;
  3. Model of personal development, which aims to help the integral development of the student, beyond the strictly academic issues;
  4. Professional development model, closer to the tutor who supervises work placements.

The academic proposal of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations includes a combination of Rodríguez Uría's models, with an adapted tutorial typology, according to the space and the specific academic moment. However, the explicit tutorial action in the FCRI Blanquerna has been framed since its inception, twenty years ago, in an innovative methodological proposal of small working groups (Seminar), of no more than fifteen students and with a teacher-tutor per group. It is this work proposal that facilitates and conveys the tutorial action and the orientation of the student, as it allows to give quality to the relationship between the student and the teacher thanks to the reduced number of participants in the group-class.

“The Seminar teacher is the tutor of the student, not only of this subject but also of the rest of the subjects, reason for which exerts a task of constant tutoring of the student, with periodic interviews (a minimum of two tutorials per semester) in which all the problems that arise during the student's learning process are analyzed and discussed. In these tutorials, the seminary teacher follows the development of the student in all the subjects of the semester, exchanging information with the rest of the faculty. ”FCC-Blanquerna Degree Development Document. April 2008

In this framework, therefore, the teaching and personal development models indicated by Rodríguez Uría would be developed and, at the end of the academic cycle (3rd and 4th year), also the professional model, linked to compulsory work placements and the TFG. The format of accompaniment and guidance to the student in the Seminar is complemented by the tutoring that is developed from other methodological proposals: thus, in the subjects whose teaching base is the theoretical class, there is the academic tutorial model, and the small class groups (Training Units and subject groups of up to 40 people, approximately) would work from the model. teacher. All of them are methodologically different but complementary proposals, depending on issues such as the number of students in the class, the teaching hours, the work proposal or the moment in which the student is in the academic life.

Academic model Master classes
Teaching model UF and small groups
Personal development model All seminars
Professional development model Third and TFG seminars

Bermejo Campos (1998) emphasizes and emphasizes the importance of having clearly conceptualized the terms education, guidance and tutoring and the relationships that derive from it, so as not to confuse the interlocutors. In this sense, it is necessary to differentiate -as stated in ANECA, 2006: 8- between the tutoring actions of those more "information, guidance and support" aimed at the student. As explained in the previous lines, in this Tutorial Action Plan, the first ones, which respond to the models indicated by Uría, define the action of the teaching staff, and among these, the role of the tutor is assigned. to the faculty responsible for the respective Seminar. As for the latter, although they have been included under the heading 'Tutoring agents', we understand that they respond more to the definition of "information, guidance and support" functions performed by other agents and instances of the faculty, such as the academic secretariat.

3.2 Overall objectives of the tutorial action plan

The main objective of this Tutorial Action Plan is to identify the guidance and support needs that the student of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations may need throughout their academic life to develop and complete the their learning process in full, and try to recognize the necessary agents of action, as well as the essential documents to regulate the response framework. From this PAT it contemplates the process of accompanying the student from the moment previous, even, to his regulated entrance to the Faculty, and covers until the studies of second cycle and the step to the world of work, once completed undergraduate studies. In the diagrams below, we can identify 1) a definition of the situations that may require tutoring and guidance processes throughout the academic life of the student, 2) an identification of the agents involved in each moment and in each process, and 3) a descriptive enumeration of the materials that serve to guide and resolve the different tutoring situations. This last objective is also extended to the teaching staff and to the administration and services staff in charge of answering the questions raised.

Tutoring scenarios When? Agents
Choose from studies Before entering college 5
Insertion in the life of the faculty 1st year and all 1st year registration 4.10
Academic tutoring All the courses 1, 3, 6
Orientation and choice of degree Before entering, registration for the 1st and first semester of the 2nd year 1, 3, 4
Career guidance: Choose the type of internship / professional tutoring Second semester of 2nd year and enrollment of 3rd and 3rd year 1, 3, 4, 6, 7
Career guidance: TFG 4th year 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Continuing education and career guidance Lifelong learning 8, 9

3.3. Tutorial action agents

Tutoring is a process that takes place throughout the student's academic life, from the moment the student makes his first contact with the Faculty to the moment the student graduates and becomes integrated into the world of work or begins a new cycle of university education.

In the process, there are several instances of the Faculty personified in different tutoring agents, with different purposes and moments of action. These instances may be of an academic nature (1, 2 and 3) or belong to the areas of service provided by the Faculty (the other agents).

  • The student is the undisputed protagonist of the whole tutoring process: is the recipient of all tutorial and personalized follow-up actions and, therefore, the student must take an active role during the learning process, in order to achieve the main educational objectives: maturity, personal autonomy, awareness of their learning process and development of their academic project.
  1. Professor-tutor of seminarShe is the main agent of the tutoring of the student in the Faculty, inside the asignatura of Seminar. There is one Seminar per semester, in the four years of the Degree, so the student always has a tutor. The professor-tutor is in charge of carrying out the academic tutoring, and is the first and most important link between the student and the Faculty. His role is especially important in the first year, and especially in the first semester. During this course, the Seminar tutor individually monitors the student's adaptation to academic life, through direct contact with the student (between 5.5 and 6 hours a week) and academic tutoring. (at least two per semester), which are integrated into the academic contents of the Seminar. The tutor detects problems and proposes solutions (sometimes, in coordination with professors of other subjects and in contact with the academic leaders), guides the student within the structure of the Faculty; finally, it evaluates the attitudes and procedures of the student in the framework of the general evaluation of the Seminar. In addition to this specific seminar tutoring action, in the first semester there are other actions aimed at facilitating the insertion of the student in university life:
    • Presentation of the start of the course: on the first day of class, all students in a shift (morning or afternoon) are invited to an official presentation of the course, chaired by the dean, where they are informed of basic issues of the operation of the Faculty. At the end of the presentation, students are distributed by the groups of the Seminar for a first orientation session.
    • During the first two weeks of the first year, special sessions are scheduled within the Seminar aimed at familiarizing the student with the services of the Faculty, especially the Library and the technological equipment available to the student. The seminar teachers of the other courses maintain their tutoring function, adapting to the needs of each course, in order to favor the progressive deployment of knowledge and attitudes within the teaching plans of the Degrees.
  2. Directors of final degree projects are responsible for monitoring students during the process of creating and concretizing the TFG throughout the fourth year. The TFG is developed in small groups (of a maximum of four students), and each group is led by a tutor, who, in addition to monitoring the group, detects individual problems (the TFG is approved or suspended individually) and addresses the personal academic and group dynamics situations that may arise. The director of TFG accompanies the student from the first proposal to the final defense of the project before a professional court, and is in contact with professors of other subjects related to the TFG, and also with the professors of Seminar, who are the academic tutors of students.
  3. Subject teachers In addition to the Seminar subject and the TFG, the other subjects also offer the possibility of a personalized academic follow-up within each subject, with schedules established by each professor. The subject teacher is the student's first interlocutor regarding the contents and development of his / her subject, but he / she gets in touch with the student's tutor when he / she detects any type of academic problem or the student presents. some issue that goes beyond the strict content of the subject.
  4. Enrollment Advisors When enrolling, the student may seek the advice of a teacher in order to make the best possible choice of subjects and schedules. This aid is especially important in the case of part-time enrollment, as provided for in the regulations of the Faculty. Enrollment advisors, one for each course and degree, provide students with the academic and regulatory information the student may need to make a conscious choice about their academic career. Enrollment counseling is offered in all four undergraduate courses.
  5. Information for prospective studentsThis instance is coordinated by the Student Information and Guidance Service (SIOE), which integrates a wide range of areas that are mobilized to provide individualized knowledge of the Faculty to prospective students:
    • From the general information campaigns of the four degrees, future students can contact the Faculty for more information or to request a guided tour of the Faculty, in which they can meet with those responsible for the degrees in order to to have all the information they deem appropriate to make the best possible choice of their university studies.
    • The Faculty also organizes information sessions for future students (five sessions, between February and July) at the same Faculty, in which there is a guided tour in small groups and a professor of the Faculty is available to future students to clarify any questions about the studies.
  6. Student support services Depending mainly on the problems detected by the seminar-tutor teachers, they may refer the student to the specialized services available to the Faculty:
    • Personal Orientation Service (SOP), a personalized, confidential and free guidance service for Blanquerna students. This service is made up of professionals in psychology, psychopedagogy and teaching.
    • The SOP integrates the SOP-ATENAS (Attention to Students with Specific Needs) service. Its aim is to normalize the university life of students with disabilities, to promote autonomy based on the uniqueness of each case. This service seeks to ensure a level playing field and the integration of students with disabilities into university academic life.
    • Financial Aid Service, which manages the award of scholarships: the student can apply, even when enrolling in the first year, the financial aid provided by the Faculty. In the grant application process, the student may request a personal interview to better assess the conditions on which the application is based. Grants can be one-off or renewable, depending on each specific economic situation. This service can also help the student to process other types of scholarships, such as those offered by the Ministry of Education and Science, and those offered by some financial institutions.
  7. Coordination of international mobilityThe Faculty has a service specialized in the promotion of international mobility, intended to provide information and facilitate all procedures so that the student can participate in university exchange programs, both within the framework of Erasmus and Seneca as in agreements with North American, South American, and Asian universities. This service convenes information meetings for interested students, processes applications and, once accepted, holds personalized interviews with the students who will do the exchange in order to provide all the information necessary for their adaptation to the university. of destination. The international mobility service also monitors the student's stay, is the point of reference in case of problems and is in charge of the academic process of validating the studies carried out outside the Faculty.

    The mobility service is also responsible for the reception of foreign students studying at the Faculty through exchange programs: convenes orientation meetings in the first days of their stay, helps them with the necessary paperwork, and puts each student in touch with the faculty involved. A més a més, s'ofereixen cursos gratuïts de català i castellà per afavorir la integració de l'estudiant estranger dins la vida universitària de la Facultat.
  8. Secretary and Student Information and Guidance Service (SIOE) They are responsible for coordinating and centralizing all information aimed at personally advising undergraduate students who are interested in continuing their studies with a master's or postgraduate degree. The SIOE is also responsible for guiding the 16 students in their incorporation into these studies. In addition to this service, students interested in postgraduate studies can contact the coordinators of the different master's and postgraduate degrees, as well as the Secretary of Research and Postgraduate Studies, to request specific information on the teaching offer of the Faculty, and, where appropriate, to arrange personal interviews in order to guide the choice of studies.
  9. Alumni and Job Bank Alumni and Job Bank are the services of the Faculty that monitor students individually once they have completed their studies, in order to facilitate their incorporation into the labor market and to maintain the link of students both with of other students as with the Faculty.
    The Alumni group is made up of students who apply to join this group and who have passed 75% of the credits of the Degree. Alumni offers free global services (sending a weekly newsletter, opportunities to attend seminars on employability, information on courses aimed at continuing education, online consultations on the Alumni portal) and also individual (personal interviews on the elaboration of the curriculum vitae, advice on professional insertion in international environments, to put in contact ex-students of the different chapters that Alumni has in the world (Madrid, New York, London, Paris and Hong-Kong).
    Students who have passed 90% of the credits of the Degree can register for the Job Bank. This service also manages personal advice on career issues, reports on job vacancies, and manages job selection processes.
  10. Solidarity action It is the service that the Faculty offers to the whole educational community (students, teachers and PAS) to inform and advise any initiative in the field of volunteering and solidarity, as well as to promote participation in different intervention projects in the Third and Fourth World. The student can ask ASB any query or request on these issues, to specify it either in collaboration with an NGO or through the development of their own project. In any case, the ASB service carries out a personalized follow-up of the initiative, in order to guarantee its success. In addition, Blanquerna has a specific international cooperation project in the Indian city of Calcutta during the month of July, aimed only at students. To make ASB known, from the first semester of the first year, presentations of the service to students are made (in addition, the information is available on the Faculty's website), and the activities carried out as well as internal activities are disseminated through internal communiqués. the volunteer proposals from different NGOs that come to the Faculty.


The Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations (FCRI) began its studies in the 1994-1995 academic year, and in these years in operation it has trained more than 5,000 professionals.

Knowledge of the profile of students is a key aspect to guarantee the excellence of the studies taught and, also, the success of the reception and tutoring processes of the center. That is why the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the FCRI Blanquerna includes mechanisms to ensure good knowledge of students. Among these mechanisms designed and implemented - among others mentioned throughout this document - is the analysis of the indicators of access and enrollment of new students that is carried out in the process of annual monitoring of degrees, and which includes reflection on the following dimensions regarding the profile of the new student: routes of access, ordinary credits enrolled, maximum level of education of the parents and place of origin.

Currently, the number of students entering the university through the PAU exceeds 90%, while those coming from Vocational Training (FP) or training cycles (CFGS) is around 5%. On the other hand, more than 50% of enrolled students have both parents with secondary and / or higher education. Finally, although during the first years of implementation of the studies a high percentage of students of the Faculty were coming from Catalonia; In recent years, the volume of students from other places has increased substantially and diversified. On the one hand, the number of students from different autonomous communities such as Aragon, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Andalusia and the Basque Country, among others, has increased; on the other hand, a considerable effort has been made to guarantee the internationalization of degrees, offering studies of an international nature and, at the same time, designing and implementing mobility programs for students and teachers.


5.1. Basic principles. Methodological framework of the seminar

From the very moment of its creation, the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations has been committed to working in small groups where, from a combination of theory and practice, a new methodological space is created that allows attention and continuous guidance to students, for the benefit of their integral development. “The activities that give meaning to the content of the different Seminars teach students to regulate and increase their abilities linked to the various ways of reading, writing and thinking. They begin in new forms of reflection, critical analysis of the world of knowledge, professional practice and life. They must learn new ways to participate in democratic processes of joint construction in working groups, deploying new skills linked to each other's school, initiative, cooperation, problem solving, incorporating ways of being and being away from the classic depersonalized master classes. ” (S. Morón, “Bologna in its purest form”. Blanquerna Bulletin, No. 121, June-July 2007. URL)

The Seminar is the central format of the Faculty, the subject to which more face-to-face hours are devoted and which requires the student to devote more time to work also outside the face-to-face class hours. As a guide, each group is made up of no more than 15 students and a teacher, who will work together for a semester on an academic program of exercises and activities aimed at action and reflection. The teacher responsible for the Seminar is the tutor for the entire semester of their student group.

5.2. Small group and tutorial action The seminar is the framework in which the most constant tutorial action is concentrated, closer to the student, with a more personalized degree of follow-up and covering more areas of his training. The seminar teacher, as a tutor, is the one who has at his disposal a more demanding follow-up of the objectives of tutoring, both academic and teaching, personal development and professional development. Therefore, according to our experience, it is in the seminar that the tutorial action acquires a particularly remarkable quality and relevance.

It is clear that the characteristics of the seminar favor a level of communication and personal knowledge of the truly privileged student. On the one hand, it should be noted that the seminar groups consist of no more than fifteen students; on the other hand, these groups are assigned between 5.5 and 6 teaching hours per week. Creating numerically small groups with a higher teaching load than any other academic activity encourages the student to feel very intensely connected in a personal communication environment, which has a very positive impact on their roots in the university community, as in its formation and in the discernment of its interests. Apart from that, it allows a very direct and personal access to your tutor.

The physical distribution of the spaces and classrooms of the faculty was conceived from its beginnings with the intention of creating the appropriate framework to be able to host the seminars. In this sense, it is worth remembering that the building includes fifteen classrooms specially equipped to hold seminars. This only gives an idea of the importance that the faculty attaches and has given from its origins to this academic and tutorial format. The following considerations on the role of the seminar tutor are based on the continued experience of 20 years of teaching work in our faculty.

5.3 The role of the tutor

Student tutoring is an integral part of the student learning process and is an important element in their assessment. Tutoring implies the existence of a tutor, and this figure, according to the officially approved Degree programs, falls, as we have just defined in the previous section, to the professor of the Seminar, the subject that acts as a real stick. of the whole curriculum.

5.3.1. Figure ten tutor

  1. He is the person who defines the content and the activities that are worked on in the Seminar. And he is the one who organizes when and how each goal is worked out.
  2. He is the person who evaluates the students of the Seminary. Evaluate one by one the exercises and activities they carry out. However, the tutor does not decide the final grade, only quantitatively, as the sum of these partial grades. The final assessment is based on their overview of the process and the evolution of each student. In this overview, as we will highlight below, the aspects related to the university attitude 20, along with the aspects of procedure and presentation of works, occupy a very preeminent place.
  3. When professional activities (or professional process simulation) are carried out in the seminar, their function is equivalent to that of a top manager with executive capacity: it can make unilateral decisions, it can set up teams, it can interrupt bad processes at any time, it can lead to a meeting with members of a working group to consider the state of execution of the project, and so on.
  4. Throughout the semester, both the student and the tutor can request an appointment to hold a personalized meeting.
  5. The Seminar teacher is the tutor of the student not only of this subject, but also of the rest of the subjects, reason for which exerts a task of constant follow-up of the student, with periodic interviews (a minimum of two tutorials per semester) in which all problems that arise during the student’s learning process are analyzed and discussed. In these tutorials, the seminar teacher follows the development of the student in all the subjects of the semester, exchanging, if necessary, information with the other teachers. In fact, as a general rule, two formal tutorials are carried out throughout the semester: one towards the middle and the other towards the end. These are sessions that are prepared in advance and that, therefore, both the student and the tutor approach with an ordered thematic thread. In intermediate tutoring, the student will be at the center of the conversation, while the Tutor will set specific learning objectives for each student in order to facilitate a good course of the rest of the semester. A model questionnaire used for this first tutorial was as follows:

Seminar XX– Group XX Course XXXX-XX Prof. XXX Date XX-XX-XXXX Name: Age: Contact number : Pending subjects: Previous tutors:


Excellence is the future