Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


GLOBALCODES: Globalization, conflict, security and development

The GLOBALCODES research group (Globalization, conflicts, security and development) addresses three major questions that become cross-cutting elements of the work in different projects and research:

  • What are the nature, characteristics and outcomes of the type of global responses offered to challenges related to conflict, development and security?
  • Which international players are key in the design, implementation and assessment of the different international policies and strategies in these areas?
  • What degree of social participation and local appropriation do societies and communities, especially women, have in the contexts in which these policies and strategies are rolled out and implemented?
Globalització, conflictes, seguretat i desenvolupament

Group work areas

The group is divided into the following three lines or areas of research:

"Conflicts, violence and peacebuilding", a line coordinated by Dr. Jordi Calvo Rufanges which has two main objectives: to analyze the role of international players in conflict resolution and peacebuilding strategies in post-violence settings; and to analyze local peacebuilding initiatives, especially those led by women and women's groups.

"Globalization, development and global governance", an area coordinated by Dr. Oscar Mateos Martín, which mainly addresses the following aspects: analyzing the nature and characteristics of different international regimes and some of their players in the context of global challenges such as socio-environmental crises or the refugee crises and the migratory phenomenon; and understanding the role of local players, preferably social movements and local communities.

"Transitional justice and security", coordinated by Dr. Farid Benavides, this third line considers five fundamental objectives: monitoring and analyzing the different models of transitional justice and assessing their impact on justice, truth and reparation; analyzing the work of international criminal tribunals and their impact on justice and guarantees of non-repetition; assessing the relationship between state fragility and public safety; assessing the role of new armed players in implementing global security; and conducting a critical analysis of the concept of terrorism in the relations of the different global players.

WHAT4WHOM: Security perceptions in the covid-19 pandemia stage.

Principal investigator: Oscar Mateos.

Funding entity: Ministry of Innovation and Science.


Religious Freedom in Africa 2023.

Principal investigator: Míriam Díez.

Funding entity: Aid to the Church in Need.


Monograph on African challenges for the Revista IDEES.

Principal investigators: Oscar Mateos (GLOBALCODES) and Idayat Hassan (Centre for Development and Democracy, Nigeria).

Funding entity: Center for Contemporary Studies - Government of Catalonia.


What truth? A critical look at the plurality of civil society discourses on the construction of truth in post-war contexts.

Principal investigator: Oscar Mateos.

Funding entity: Institut Català Internacional per la PAU (ICIP) and AGAUR - Government of Catalonia.


Security and insecurity in the borders: policy implementation in the state limits.

Principal investigator: Oscar Mateos (GLOBALCODES) and Sergio Caballero (University of Deusto).

Funding entity: Aristos Campus Mundus.


Services offered by the group


Organizing Seminars.

Policy papers and Policy documents.


Excellence is the future