Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna - Ramon Llull University

Train in five areas that directly affect people's lives

Blanquerna-URL is a private non-profit foundation with a universal and public service vocation that translates into high-quality teaching and research. The aim is to train competent professionals committed to society and to contribute to its progress. The five areas of teaching and research are directly linked to people, their education, health, well-being and commitment in a global world.

Your future awaits you at Blanquerna-URL! Discover our training programs

Research at Blanquerna, knowledge at the service of society

At Blanquerna we prioritize research with a social impact, in other words, research that contributes to improving society with social, cultural and economic benefits, which help to advance and improve in our areas of expertise: communication, education, sport, international relations and health.

Excellence in research

Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull in figures


specific employment rate of Blanquerna graduates
(AQU Catalunya)


university bachelor and master degree students


bachelor degrees and double majors from the training program




internship agreements


international university agreements


amount allocated to scholarships and grants


recognized research groups

10 reasons for choosing Blanquerna-URL

Do you want to know why you should choose us?

Alumnes a la graduació Blanquerna 2019


According to the 2020 AQU Survey, the employability rate for Blanquerna qualifications is 95%. This means that 95% of Blanquerna graduates find work in the specialty for which they have prepared.

Classe logopèdia alumnes i profe


Blanquerna-URL combines three different teaching profiles (active professionals, teaching staff and research staff) to ensure that learning is comprehensive, proactive and critical.

alumne al laboratori de Farmàcia


Blanquerna-URL has 3,565 agreements with companies for students to undertake mandatory, supervised and evaluated internships. 40% of graduates find work as a result of their internships.

Professora amb alumnes, seminari FCRI


Seminars play a key role and are a distinctive feature of Blanquerna-URL methodology. They are held weekly on all courses. Small groups work in teams with professional advisors on cases taken from professional life.

Summer Program 2019 Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals


In addition to daily contact with the campus, Blanquerna-URL students gain an international perspective through academic exchanges and internships in other countries. We have 159 agreements with universities in 38 countries around the world.

Premi Kim amb K Tube d'Assaig


Blanquerna-URL is well placed in leading national and international rankings: QSWorld University Rankings, CYD Ranking, U-Ranking, U-Multirank, Times Higher Education Rankings and The Young University Rankings.

Millors expedients acadèmics graduació 2019


We are the only private Catalan university recognized as a Campus of International Excellence (CIE). The main objective is to promote academic, teaching and research excellence in a joint commitment to social, responsible and sustainable innovation on a local and global scale.

Alumna a plató de realització


At Blanquerna-URL, technology is considered a learning tool, and its use is required in the context of the profession. All departments have on-time technology.

Alumne atès per SIOE a la facultat de Ciències de la Salut


Blanquerna-URL allocates 2,000,000 euros to scholarships and grants. It also allows students to pay fees in installments: 50% is paid when they enroll and the rest in nine monthly installments.

Personal Blanquerna amb els ODS


Blanquerna-URL is rooted in the Christian humanist tradition. We serve the human being, fostering the transformation of the world, cultivating dialogue and the links between faith, culture and science.

Blanquerna-URL in the rankings

logo ranking

THE World University Rankings (2025)

La Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) se situa entre les millors universitats del món en els estudis dels àmbits de Business and Economics, Psychology, Education Studies, Social Sciences, Medical and Health i Engineering.


Young University Rankings (2024)

Ramon Llull University (URL) has been ranked in the world ranking of universities under 50 years old - THE Young University Rankings - with very good results. It has achieved the 194th place worldwide and the 5th place in Spain.

Among private universities in Spain, URL is in the 1st position.

ranquing shangai

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 of the Shanghai Ranking

The Psychology degree of the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna is located in the range 401-500.

Where can you do an internship?

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Excellence is the future