
Second edition of the Master's of Communication Awards

Second edition of the Master's of Communication Awards

December 18, 2017

The journalist Agustí Pons i Mir; Eloisa Alonso San Martín, president of Hill + Knowlton Strategies, and Robert Rodergas Pagès, creator, founder and president of the Association of Young Spanish Advertisers (AJEP), have been awarded the 2017 Master's of Communication Awards, organized by the Foundation of Communication (Fundeco), the Advertising Association, the Advertising and Public Relations Association and our School.

This recognition is taken into account for its extraordinary merits in professional practice, the dissemination and training of professionals in journalism, public relations and advertising.

Innovative for generations

Robert Rodergas Pagès was the advertising director of Gallina Blanca, director of the Demer agency and he later founded his agency, Rodergas, Barrera & Asociados. Founder and president of the Asociación de Jóvenes Publicitarios Españoles, former president of the Publicity Guild and founder of Barcebona, contributor, lecturer and professor at various advertising and marketing teaching centers, he is also the author of books such as En l'arca no es ven i El Mar que tinc. Deu contes de màrqueting.

Communication in environments of crisis

Eloisa Alonso is the Managing Director of Hill + Knowlton Strategies in Spain. She became a part of Hill Knowlton Strategies in 1989 as director and person responsible for the opening of the Barcelona office. One of its most experienced areas is corporate communication, especially communication in a crisis situation, and the training of spokespersons for top managers of national and international companies. She was also responsible for the implementation of the Division specializing in the area of ​​Health. From its current position, it continues to monitor the communication projects of its main clients. Since 2014, she has been a member of the board of directors of the Dircom association. She has collaborated with numerous universities, emphasizing her will to improve the formation of the new generations of professionals in relations.

The letter of journalism

Agustí Pons i Mir was editor of El Noticiero Universal (1964-1976), Oriflama, Destino and Avui (1976-1996), where he served as Deputy Director of Opinion, Culture and Shows. From 1981 to 1984 he was Chief of the Cabinet of Max Cahner, Councilor of Culture in the first government of Jordi Pujol. He is a member of the AELC, the Catalan PEN and the Association of Journalists of Catalonia, and collaborates with the publications Today, The Nation, Sierra de Oro, Letter of Change, Time and Nationalist Debate. In 1991 he received the Ciutat de Barcelona prize for journalism. As of the Nineties his activity as a writer intensified. Just a short time later he won the Joan Fuster Prize for essay writing and the National Prize for Essay writing with Ten Dues, literary portraits of ten personalities of the twentieth century that he had met personally. Since 1998, he has worked at the Catalunya Cultura radio station.

He has produced, among others, biographies of reference such as those dedicated to Joan Triadú, Pere Calders, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Nèstor Luján, Raimon Noguera and Salvador Espriu. This intense activity as a biographer has been accompanied by the publication of two memorial books: Temps indòcils (2009) and Cartes a Clara (2010) where a recent retired journalist tells a scholarship holder, through ten letters, the evolution of journalism and of the society that he has to live in. In Bàrbara (2015), based on the biography of a family, the author recreates the relationship between the bourgeoisie of Barcelona and the immigration of the 1950s in Catalonia. The Cross of Sant Jordi was awarded to him in 2015.

enlightenedThe Master Awards of Communication are a recognition of the academic world and the professional world of people who have stood out in the sectors of advertising, public relations and journalism, not only for their professional achievements, but also for their disseminating effort in the area of training and its commitment to the development and the institutions that represent the professionals in communication. This combination of experience, commitment and educational vocation makes them deserve the title of communication masters.


Excellence is the future