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Students from the Bachelor Degree in Global Communication Management present their project at Emerson College in Boston

June 15, 2023

During the second semester, 12 Global Communication Management students participated in the GlobCom project, which involved 12 universities in the UK, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Spain (Blanquerna), South Africa, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, the USA (Emerson College) and India. They were accompanied by professors Alba Ramírez and Jordi Collell.

On June 5th, 6th and 7th, they met at Emerson College in Boston, where each team gave a final presentation in a competition where there were three short-listed teams with one winner. The members of these three short-listed teams included three students from Blanquerna.

Working in eight inter-university teams, made up of students from the twelve affiliated universities, they developed a communication strategy to familiarize people with the OCEEF, an organization that works to carry out research on the oceans and raise awareness of their importance in our lives and how they must be conserved, especially in view of the climate emergency.

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