Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Short film "Colgado", nominated for the Northern Virginia International Film Festival

Short film "Colgado", nominated for the Northern Virginia International Film Festival

April 3, 2017

Co-directed and co-written by Maria Medinilla and Roger Grau (19th graduation year), "Colgado" (Hung) is a 15 minute long take that explains the reaction of Marta, Irene and Mary when they learn that Andrea, the girl they bullied, has committed suicide.

This project was developed during the fiction film seminar taught by Professor Núria Olivé, in the fourth year of the Audiovisual Communication Degree. The short film received nominations for Best Short Film, Best Foreign Short Film, Best Editing, Best Screenplay, Best Casting, Best Actress (Candela Antón) and Best Actress (Elisabet Casanovas), both from the TV series Merlin. The gala will take place on April 22th.

Two former students of the Theater Institute: Martina Roura and Alba Aloy, also participated in "Colgado". Besides the seven nominations for the Northern Virginia International Film Festival (USA), the short film was also screened in the official section of 4th Annual North Hollywood Cinefest held last march, in Los Angeles, California.


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