Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Projecte MedMedia a Israel

MedMedia project in Israel

September 28, 2016

The School’s dean, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, and Dr. Jaume Suau, professor of the School, have visited Tel Aviv in order to organize a conference under the project MedMedia, in which the School is involved.

The presentation, organized jointly with the Council of Cable Satellite Broadcasting (CCSB), one of the Israeli media regulators, is titled The future of media regulation, challenges and opportunities within the new media environment.

The event will be the closing of a series of activities aimed to increase the cooperation between the CSSB and the Catalan Audiovisual Council. Regulators from the UK (OFCOM), France (CSA) and Italy (AGCOM) have also been invited, as well as other international experts


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