Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Reel amb ADN Blanquerna: l'audiovisual a Barcelona

Reel with Blanquerna DNA

July 7, 2016

We invite you to enjoy the work that students in the third and fourth year of Audiovisual Communication have made over the last three years. You will be thrilled by the results of the subject Seminar and Inter-seminar.

The technical material used is from the School, based on checkin environment super 34mm digital (Canon C100 and Sony FS7).

These projects were carried out under the supervision of professors of the third year: Jaume Benet, Carla Subirana, Ramon Millà, Fernando de Felipe and Joan Tharrats; and fourth year: Núria Olivé, Judith Colell, Isona Passola and Rosa Vergés.

The composition of this reel was made by Professor Joan Bosch. Congratulations, students!


Excellence is the future