Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna FCRI takes part in the FIC-CAT International Film Festival in Catalan

Blanquerna FCRI takes part in the FIC-CAT International Film Festival in Catalan

June 18, 2018

This year, a large number of students and professors from the Degree in Audiovisual Communication have participated in the Costa Daurada International Catalan Film Festival (FIC-CAT).

The list is long: the students Eli Comas and Camila Pineda gave the presentations of the films; the student Laura Piqué presented a short film in the section Jove 48 hores and the student Albert Picola made his debut as a writer in the official blog Crítica Inédita.

Picola had the opportunity to live, in first person, the experience of covering a film festival with the accompaniment and tutoring of the film critic of the newspaper El Mundo, Víctor Esquirol.

The list of professors is no less impressive. In the official section of documentaries, the Faculty was very well represented by the participation of Fràgils by Professor Oriol Gispert, and by Petitet, by professors Tono Folguera and Sergi Moreno, winners of the best documentary and award of the public.

For her part, the director of the Degree, Professor Judith Colell (in the photo), participated in the official section of short films with Anniversary and also gave the mention of the best film.

The FIC-CAT, Costa Dorada International Catalan Film Festival has been held since 2008 and serves as a springboard and meeting point for audiovisual creators in Catalonia. The FIC-CAT is aimed, particularly, at filmmakers, both amateurs and professionals with proposals that are topical, creative, daring and innovative.


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