Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Publicitarios Implicados, 2017 Aster Award

Publicitarios Implicados, 2017 Aster Award

November 21, 2017

This award, granted by the business school ESIC Business & Marketing School, reflects the good work that Professor Richard Wakefield and his team of collaborators (including a large handful of students and Alumni of the School) has achieved since the year 2008, the solidarity association, Publicitarios Implicados, born in our classrooms.

It is a recognition of the merits of many professionals and companies that have joined the initiatives promoted by the team of Professor Wakefield and the students of the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing.

Publicitarios Implicados offers comprehensive advertising communication services to micro-NGOs, with less than 500 members, without receiving remuneration in return.

Among the recognition received, there is Better spot in the Malaga Film Festival (meningitis), Short List in the International Festival of Children's Advertising (anti-personnel mines), better public relations action (The ELA exists), Publifestival Special Prize, Lifetime Achievement Award (Richard Wakefield), Best online viral message for "The ELA exists, do you see us?", Member of the "Projecte Educatiu de Ciutat", Ajuntament de Barcelona.

yes The name of the finalists of the Aster 2017 award still places more value on this recognition and Blanquerna makes us feel more proud of the success of Publicitarios Implicados: La Caixa Foundation, Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Clowns without Borders and


Excellence is the future