Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Lliurament del premi del Concurs IReS Sant Jordi 2018 «Una rosa per una causa»

Award ceremony of the IReS Sant Jordi Competition 2018 «A rose for a cause»

April 18, 2018

The winners are the third year students of the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing Sílvia Aubert and Blanca Recasens.

For five years, the Creativity seminars of the degree have participated in this contest, working on a concept and design proposal for the campaign and the materials used by the Fundació IReS for the Day of Sant Jordi. In this edition, 17 projects were presented, amongst which were the projects of the winning students, Aubert and Recasens, students of the seminar of the professors Marc Mallafré.

The award ceremony of this year was presided over by the Director of the Foundation, Ms. Montserrat Toha, and the director of the degree, Dr. Josep Rom. The advisor to the Foundation, Sr. Miquel Guri and the professors of the Faculty Marc Mallafré and Josep Maria Picola were also present.

Apart from signing the box of the solidarity rose with their name and receiving the accreditation diploma, the two winning students will enjoy the very special prize of attending future advertising events such as: the International Advertising Festival EL SOL in Bilbao, on the 8th and June 9, authentic reference and meeting point of the sector.

#TotSomLlegenda at the Majestic Hotel

On April 23 we all have an appointment (as always on this day) at the Majestic Hotel on Paseo de Gracia where, in addition to being able to contribute to a good cause by buying the solidarity rose of the IReS Foundation, we can enjoy an exhibition of the set of graphic proposals presented to the Contest. All the money collected from the sale of roses will be used for projects of the Fundació IReS, which support the integration of vulnerable people and families.

Additionally, by going to you can read and share the stories of #TotSomLlegenda and participate in the draw for one night for two people in a suite of the Majestic Hotel & Spa in Barcelona.

The IReS Foundation has been working since 1969 to provide comprehensive care to families and vulnerable people, accompanying them in their development through specialized teams in the social, psychological and educational fields.


Excellence is the future