Blanquerna Ramon Llull University
Professor Rafael Vallbona wins the oldest prize in the Catalan noir novel

Professor Rafael Vallbona wins the oldest prize in the Catalan noir novel

June 27, 2016

The professor and writer Rafael Vallbona, with his novel "Tros", has won the XXV Ferran Canyameres Prize for crime thriller and mystery novel, given by Omnium Cultural Terrassa. The novel will published by Pagès Editors later this year.

"Tros" is a story in which, in the space of just one night, the questions of different lives are solved. Everything happens in a triangle of towns lost between arid Sagrià and Garrigues. An old man becomes a widow, a “somatent” (a guardsman) goes out on patrol to prevent thefts on his farms and annoys the police. And all this, obscured by a fog that tarnishes everything with desolation.


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