Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Els Òscars arriben a Blanquerna FCRI

The Oscars arrive in Blanquerna FCRI

March 2, 2017

As an initiative of the Direction of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication, our School deployed the red carpet to see this year’s Oscars ceremony live. Sixty students responded to the call and came to eat popcorn and other cinema snacks in the School and share all the details of the most Hollywoodian night of the year.

From Sunset Boulevard to Plaza Joan Coromines!

The degree Director, Judith Colell, and Professor Francesc Villallonga, without jet lag posing any problems to them, landed directly from Los Angeles, where they had traveled to attend a pre-Oscars conference at the Emmerson College of L.A. In fact, if you want to know more, we invite you to read an article that Professor Colell has published in La Vanguardia: «When nothing is predictable.» Professors Jaume Benet (photographer of the ceremony) and Joan Bosch also attended.


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