Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Alumnes i tutors de la Blanquerna Academic Summer School

During the weeks of July 10 and 17, the School hosted the Blanquerna Academic Summer School

July 25, 2023

A total of eleven students from the Communication University of China, Ji Nan University and Chongqing University spent two weeks taking different classes and enjoying cultural visits in the city.

In recent years the Academy had been held online, and this summer it has recovered its usual in-person format.

The summer school is organized by Mei Huang, Blanquerna Representative of International Relations with Asia, and is taught by Laia Manonelles, Elisabet Cabeza, Joan Bosch, David Puertas, Jaume Suau, Herman Bashiron and Alba Ramírez. The students Alma Suñé and Edith Bosch helped in the organization.


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