Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Meetings with representatives from the Emerson College of Boston

Meetings with representatives from the Emerson College of Boston

December 18, 2014

During the first days of December a meeting was held with officials of Emerson College of Boston and Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations.

On Friday, December 11th, the president of Emerson College, Dr. Lee Pelton, and the Dean of the School, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, participated in a debate with students that was recorded on one of our TV sets.

During the day, there also was a work session with Dr. Anthony L. Pinder, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs - Internationalization & Global Engagement - Emerson College, and Dr. Gregory Payne, Chair of the Department of Communication at Emerson.

Dr. Josep Maria Garrell, rector of the University Ramon Llull; Prof. Onno Seroo, director of the International Relations Degree; Marta Esteller, Head of the International Relations Office and Prof. Enric Ordeix, director of the masters in Strategic Management in Global Communication attended on behalf of Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations.


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