Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


FPCEE - Anna Angosto i Moyano Alumni Educació

Meet Anna Angosto, primary school teacher and digital mentor

May 23, 2023

The alumni of the bachelor's degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education assesses her time at Blanquerna-URL: "If I were to revisit this point in my life, I have absolutely no doubt that I would choose Blanquerna."

Anna Angosto Moyano is a primary school teacher at Escola Sanfeliu, a private school in Hospitalet de Llobregat, where she has also been appointed as the school's digital mentor to train her colleagues in office automation.

She graduated from Blanquerna-URL in the bachelor's degrees of Early Childhood Education (graduating class 2021) and Primary Education (graduating class 2022). When the time came to choose her studies six years ago, she found herself in one of the most crucial points that thousands of students go through once they finish high school: choosing a career and the place to pursue it.

After much consideration, she decided to study at our Blanquerna-URL School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences, a decision she now rejoices in: "If I were to revisit this point in my life, I have absolutely no doubt that I would choose Blanquerna; among its advantages, I would highlight the methodology, the infrastructure, the quality of the faculty and the job opportunities. While it is true that it is a demanding center, with a heavy workload, the effort is worth it for the academic level and the experience that you acquire throughout your university education".

Having had the experience of studying, one of the things that Angosto views most positively is the possibility of taking the double major in Education offered by the School: "I have to say that I recommend it; I chose Early Childhood Education because I am fascinated by teaching children in their early years, but taking an extra year and obtaining a degree in Primary Education has given me the versatility that has been key to entering the world of work".

Anna works as a teacher, but she is certain that she will soon want to continue training: "Despite being in the profession I have always wanted, I am a restless person who wants to continue learning and, therefore, in the not too distant future I am sure that I will return to my studies to do a master's degree that will enable me to expand my field of work. Blanquerna will undoubtedly be among the main options to continue training!".


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