Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Entrevista a l’Alumni i director de cinema Marc Crehuet

Interview with former Blanquerna student and film director Marc Crehuet

January 30, 2017

We visited Moiré Films, the film company of Marc Crehuet, Alumni, professor of our School and director of «El Rei Borni», his first film.

Crehuet talked to us about his projects and the problems he encountered whilst working on his latest production.

«When you start making low-budget productions, you have to be an orchestra-man and do everything yourself: I write the scripts, I helped on the recordings and worked together with the editor in the editing process», says Crehuet, who has also directed, among other projects, the TV3 series «Pop Ràpid», «Green Power» and «Àngels i sants».

Crehuet is professor of the Official Master in Film and Television Fiction. Production, Script and Realization.


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