Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


International Inter-university conference on Social Economy and Cooperativism: University, Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Economy

International Inter-university conference on Social Economy and Cooperativism: University, Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Economy

November 4, 2015

Blanquerna FCRI, within the framework Aristos Campus Mundus, hosted in the Auditorium the International Inter-university conference on social economy and cooperativism: University, Entrepreneurship and Cooperative Economy, organized jointly with program “aracoop” of the Catalan Ministry for Business and Labour.

The purpose of this meeting was to analyse and discuss the role of social economy and cooperatives in Catalan universities and to learn about some examples of success in this area, as well as about the future challenges posed by the increasing presence of this new way of working and new type of business organization.

Among the speakers, there were members of the cooperative movement in Quebec and Mondragón, territories with a long history in this area. President of Le Chantier de l’Économie Sociale of Quebec, Mr Patrick Duguay, stressed the need “to bring to the same table a wide range of actors from all points of view” and thus strengthen the role of the social economy in our society. This was a view shared by Dr Marguerite Mendell, who also encouraged the universities in our country to work together with organizations that work for the common good.

For his part, Dr. Andreu Ibarz highlighted the effort that has been made among universities, in particular Blanquerna, to promote awareness by means of four different approaches: values, work methodologies and instruments, and finally the relations with companies. Likewise, Dr Josep Maria Carbonell, Dean of Blanquerna FCRI, stressed the important role the university has to play in training professionals to help promote new projects in this field.

Among the conclusions drawn that day, it became clear what a small presence social economy has in the academic world and the huge opportunities it could provide to young people. In fact, some of the speakers themselves recognized that they have a long way to go especially with regard to such issues as communication to give social economy the place it deserves in our society.


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