Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


ENA and Blanquerna FCRI to organize courses for new European civil servants

ENA and Blanquerna FCRI to organize courses for new European civil servants

February 24, 2015

The École Nationale d'Administration (ENA) and Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations are offering courses to prepare candidates for places as new European civil servants, who must pass the admission exams of the the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO).

The sessions will take place on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th of March at the premises of the School. The ENA and Blanquerna are proposing short, intensive preparation sessions adapted to all of the levels and areas covered in the selection process carried out by EPSO.

The aim is to enable the candidates to acquire a better understanding of the European institutions’ expectations and the necessary methodology for the first part of the competence tests (pre-selection or admission tests).

In this link you can download the program and the registration form.

For more information, please contact Martine Tissier: [email protected]


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