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"Dones referents en la Comunicació (Leading Women in Communication)”

March 11, 2024

On Thursday, February 29th, the panel "Leading Women in Communication" was held. The event was geared towards students of university master's degrees and the Faculty's own degrees.

We were joined by Carla Subirana (film director and screenwriter), Eva Conesa (partner & ECD. twoelf, "Más mujeres Creativas (More Creative women)") and Eli Vivas (Journalist co-founder STORYDATA) to share their experiences and visions on the advances and challenges related to equality in their fields and how to break down gender barriers in the field of communication.

"I would like us all to reflect together on how we approach work"; "you have a lot to say, but you have to believe it", "women have the impostor syndrome, we believe we are not worth it, but we are much more capable than we are led to believe". Afterwards, Punt Lila hosted activities in the cafeteria, accompanied by a snack for the attendees!

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