Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Conference of Hanan Ben Rhouma, editor-in-chief of Saphir News

Conference of Hanan Ben Rhouma, editor-in-chief of Saphir News

January 16, 2017

Invited by the Observatory of Communication, Religion and Culture, Rhouma presented the talk «Youth as a tool for Religious Diversity Managing in Europe. The French Muslim case.» at the School.

Hanan Ben Rhouma is editor-in-chief of the French media Saphir News, specializing in the Muslim world. The editor explained that they do journalism with the objective of «promoting interreligious dialogue by showcasing initiatives that are already under way.»

Ben Rhouma said, during the conference, that «France is the laboratory of the future of religious diversity in Europe» and he argued that interreligious dialogue is key to fighting extremism. In this sense, he emphasized the importance of the role of primary schools in fostering knowledge of religious diversity.


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