July 3, 2024
Blanquerna-URL organizes a new edition of the university orientation speeches addressed to parents
The following days 28th January and 31st March 2016, Blanquerna-URL, together with La Salle-URL, organizes the 4th University Orientation Session under the title “How to choose university studies in the XXI century: how to orientate your children”.
These sessions want to offer parents some criteria to adequately orientate their children in order to make for them easier to choose among the enormous variety of university studies. The first speech will take place on the 28th of January at 7pm and will be delivered by two university orientation expertises: Tolo Moya from the Faculty of Communication and International Relations studies Blanquerna-URL and Maria Pilar Torné, from La Salle-URL. If you are interested in assisting to the speech, it is necessary that you confirm it in advanced by sending an email to sia@salleurl.edu.
Blanquerna-URL also offers to schools these services and some others such as personalized guided tours all around the faculties, information sessions, academic orientation speeches and even a renewal edition of Blanquerna-Schools Workshops in which the students will be able to get to know closer how the university is like and how the bachelors Blanquerna-URL offers are like and some professors of each bachelor too. You can check out these services and some others in the Blanquerna at the Schools Blog.
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