
Blanquerna FCRI, leader in its field according to the ranking of El Mundo

Blanquerna FCRI, leader in its field according to the ranking of El Mundo

May 12, 2021

The degree in International Relations enters the ranking for the first time and the degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing consolidates its position as the second-best in Spain in the ranking of universities "50 careers" published today in El Mundo.

The entry of the International Relations degree, pioneer in Catalonia, is a novelty. The newspaper highlights the teaching sessions in small groups, a key brand of the Blanquerna model, with an experienced faculty, the international mobility programs and compulsory internships as its most notable features.

In regards to the degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing, El Mundo highlights the teaching staff, a faculty that comes from the main advertising and press agencies, and the compulsory internships in companies of the sector, as reference of our teaching model.

To carry out the ranking, El Mundo takes into account 27 selection criteria divided into three main sections: a questionnaire sent to 3,000 professors, the data provided by the university itself and other indicators of external studies, such as results in international rankings, ANECA reports and results of reports from Spanish universities, among others.

The URL, the 6th highest performing university in Spain, according to the CYD Ranking

Today, the eighth edition of the CYD Ranking made by Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (CYD) was also made public and Ramon Llull University reached the rank of the 6th highest performing university in Spain and the 3rd in the catalonian university system.

In this case, 77 higher education centers took part, representing almost 90% of the 86 universities in the Spanish university system. All of them have been evaluated on the basis of 37 indicators grouped into 6 dimensions: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation, contribution to regional development and employment. In general, the study highlighted the URL’s international orientation with results of maximum performance in all the indicators evaluated.


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