Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna FCRI finalista al «Nova Autoria» del Festival de Cinema de Sitges

Blanquerna FCRI finalist in «New Visions» category at Sitges Film Festival

October 1, 2015

The short film «Vida y reflejo», made by fourth year students of the Film and Television degree (Audiovisual Communication) of Blanquerna FCRI, was selected to participate in the «New visions» category of Sitges Film Festival.

The team that made the short film is composed of students Eva Font, Nubar Hamparzoumian, Julia Garcia, Mar Gimeno and Sara Tomàs. The films tells the story of Celia, a woman trapped in the body and life of a man. After a life of lies and pain, she finds the courage to start over and decides to fight for herself. But family and social responsibilities overwhelm her, and she has to go back to a life that is not, in fact, hers.

The screening is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th, at Cinema Prado in Sitges.


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