Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna FCRI i l’Emerson College celebren la segona «Global Summit» a Boston

Blanquerna FCRI and Emerson College held second "Global Summit" in Boston

October 25, 2016

A delegation of the School participated in a four day "Summit on Global Politics, Sports, and Civic Engagement", held in Boston, the second annual summit organized between the two centers.

“The Summit demonstrates the global commitment of Emerson to connect students and professors in their research and interests with colleagues around the world, and focus on how communication is central to success in politics, sports, and civic engagement,” said Gregory Payne, chair of the Communication Studies Department and director of the Summit. “It further establishes our bridge with Blanquerna in Barcelona as a gateway to Europe.”

Last year, the summit took place in Barcelona entitled “Inaugural summit: Global Communication, Public Diplomacy and Civic Engagement”. This year, Boston was the host of this professional meeting where researchers and journalists from all around the world participated, one example being Nepal, Canada and India.

During the stay, the delegation of Blanquerna offered the following conferences:

  • Negotiation Between Politicians, Journalists and Internet Users: From In-Depth Interviews to Machine Learning Procedures on Twitter, by Dr. Pere Franch, Dr. Marçal Sintes and Dr . Andreu Casero (Universitat Jaume I).
  • Shaping Public Opinion for Confrontation: Catalan Independence claim Represented by Spanish, Catalan, Valencian and Basque editorials, by Dr. Enric Xicoy, Dr. Rafael Xambó (University of Valencia) and Dr. Cristina Perales-Garcia (Pompeu Fabra).
  • When the Screen Blood Splatters on Us: Journalism, UGC and the Erosion of Human Dignity, by Dr. Pere Masip and Dr. Carles Ruiz.
  • Managing Content in Cross-Cultural Public Relations Campaigns. A Case Study of the Paris Terrorist Attacks, by Dr. Enric Ordeix, Dr. Xavier Ginesta (University of Vic) and Dr. Josep Rom.
  • The Catalan Political Process for Independence: An Example of the Partisan Media System, by Dr. Josep Lluis Micó, and Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, dean of the School.
  • The Former Direct Democracy and Social Networks: the Big Misunderstanding, by Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu; and finally,
  • Questioning News' Selective Exposure: Understanding the Impact of Social Networks on Political News Consumption, by Dr. Carlos Ruiz, Dr. Jaume Suau and Dr. Pere Masip.

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