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Barcelona Barber Shop, Brownie, Càritas Barcelona, GOT2B (Henkel), Knorr (Unilever) and PandaGo, the leading brands in the Advertising, PR and Marketing quarter seminars' roleplay

February 21, 2024

Another semester is already underway, the second of 2023-24, and with it another role-playing session between the fourth-year seminar groups.

The brands featuring in this particular roleplay are Barcelona Barber Shop, Brownie and Càritas Barcelona, in the morning session, and GOT2B (Henkel), Knorr (Unilever) and PandaGo, in the afternoon. Over the first few days of the seminar, we welcomed the heads of the respective brands or, instead, students playing the role of the advertiser in the role-play visited the companies that were the object of the communication challenges to be worked on.

We were visited by Marta Plujà and Cesc Valls, on behalf of Càritas Barcelona, ​​and Max Martínez Casademont, representative of Barcelona Barber Shop, and alumni of the School. Also, the group playing the role of Brownie went to the brand's headquarters, where they were attended by the head of communication Ariadna Cots, also a former student.

You can read all the news about the Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing on the blog.

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