
Becas Santander Estudios Equality 2023/2024 per a dones estudiants URL

Applications open for the grant "Becas Santander Estudios | Equality 2023/2024"

July 14, 2023

The grant finances the bachelor studies of female students from Ramon Llull University with a good academic record. If you meet the requirements you can apply for the grant before the 5th of october.

Applications open for the fourth grant Santander Estudios | Equality 2023/2024, which finances the studies of female students from Ramon Llull University with a good academic record and beneficiaries of a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training 2022-2023, to help them finance the second and third years of their bachelor's degree.

Below is a short summary of the grant:


1) To be enrolled in the first course of any bachelor's degree courses taught by Ramon Llull University during the 2022-2023 course and to enroll in the second course in 2023-2024.

2) To be a general recipient of a grant from the Ministry of Education and Educational Training in the 2022-2023 academic year.

3) To have applied for a general grant from the Ministry of Education and Educational Training, for the 2023-2024 academic year.

4) To be enrolled in the 2024-2025 academic year at Ramon Llull University.

5) To have an average grade of 6 points out of 10.


Application open until the 5th of October of 2023 through the Santander website and the URL form.


5,000 a year during the second and third years of the bachelor's degree.


Excellence is the future