Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Mission, vision and values

Blanquerna-URL, a pluralistic university community based on excellence, innovation and comprehensive education

We welcome you to Blanquerna-URL, a university community of excellence inspired by the humanist tradition of the sage Ramon Llull, that represents, among many other things, a different way of teaching. We train qualified professionals, with high employability prospects, to have a positive impact on society. We are a pluralistic university community, inspired by the principles of Christian humanism, whose mission is the integral education of people for them to become competent, ethical and committed professionals in the transformation of society.


The mission of Blanquerna, a pluralistic university community inspired by the principles of Christian humanism, is the integral education of people for them to become competent, ethical and committed professionals in the transformation of society, producing knowledge in the service of justice and the common good.


To be a university institution in Barcelona recognized nationally and internationally for its own and innovative educational style, for the excellence in their training of professionals with a high level of employability and social commitment, and for the social impact of its own research.


Blanquerna-URL is rooted in the humanist and Christian tradition. We serve the human being, fostering the transformation of the world, the contact and the dialogue between faith, culture and science. We want to improve the world and make you its protagonist.

Our values


Because we are a University, and we conduct our activity guided by professionalism, knowledge and excellence.


Because human beings, their integral growth and project of meaning are the reason for our mission.

Professionalism and service

Because we customize our activity, we act as a team with a true vocation for service.


Because Lullian's roots make us passionate about discovering and building new paths.

Rooted and open to the world

Because our identity and the world improve when we build networks and foster a culture of encounter and dialogue.

Civic engagement

Because with ethics, responsibility, and hope we contribute to building a more just and supportive society.

Blanquerna-URL Chair: Faith, spirituality, culture and social commitment

The Blanquerna-Ramon Llull Chair is a dynamic and interdisciplinary program dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and renewing the identity, vision, and mission of our institution. It achieves this by considering the unique characteristics and founding objectives of the university, while also taking into account key contextual elements such as the secular nature of the academic world, the dialogical dimension of knowledge and culture, and the respect for religious freedom and pluralism.

Founded in 1994, it is dedicated to serving future professionals by offering comprehensive training. It also aims to benefit society by generating and transmitting knowledge that drives transformative action, and to explicitly uphold the values of the Gospel. Aligned with the academic, ecclesial, and social nature of Blanquerna-URL, the Blanquerna-Ramon Llull Chair conducts its activities across three main areas: academics, faith and spirituality, and solidarity. It promotes the integration of these areas within all its centers.

escales FCRI

Blanquerna's Manifesto of Ideas

"Blanquerna, a project open to new horizons. When memory is a foresight of the future" This is the institution's ideology, a text that summarizes the tradition that has shaped the identity of Blanquerna. This document by professor Francesc Torralba, aims to be a reference that brings to life the humanist, Christian, scientific and reforming heritage that Blanquerna represents and strives to continue representing.

Alumnes desenfocats al passadís de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals

We know where we are going because we know where we are coming from

Our history is our essence


Excellence is the future