Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna-URL Chair

Faith, spirituality, culture and social commitment

The Blanquerna-Ramon Llull Chair is a dynamic and interdisciplinary program dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and renewing the identity, vision, and mission of our institution. It achieves this by considering the unique characteristics and founding objectives of the university, while also taking into account key contextual elements such as the secular nature of the academic world, the dialogical dimension of knowledge and culture, and the respect for religious freedom and pluralism.

Founded in 1994, it is dedicated to serving future professionals by offering comprehensive training. It also aims to benefit society by generating and transmitting knowledge that drives transformative action, and to explicitly uphold the values of the Gospel. Aligned with the academic, ecclesial, and social nature of Blanquerna-URL, the Blanquerna-Ramon Llull Chair conducts its activities across three main areas: academics, faith and spirituality, and solidarity. It promotes the integration of these areas within all its centers.

Identity and Mission Commissioner

The Identity and Mission Commission aims to analyze, prioritise, and evaluate the various actions and activities within the Blanquerna-Ramon Llull Chair’s key areas. It also seeks to create a space for internal reflection and proposals. The goal is to ensure the ideology is developed and referenced in everyday life, considering three priority contexts—cultural, academic, and ecclesiastical—to promote its integration into the new Strategic Plan. The Commission is connected to the institution’s key bodies and agents: The Blanquerna Foundation Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors, the Pastoral Team, and the Diocese of Barcelona, represented by Bishop David Abadías.

President: Josep M. Carbonell.

Head of the Blanquerna-URL Chair: Jordi Sànchez.

Councillor: Fr. Juan Ramón La Parra.

Members: Begoña Guerrero, Cori Casanova, Fr. Juan Ramón La Parra, Jordi Sànchez and Miguel Ángel Pulido.

escales FCRI

1. Academic field

The academic field ensures the inclusion and exploration of content related to the humanities, Christian humanism, religions, Christianity, and spirituality across various disciplines. This is done in continuous dialogue with the questions and challenges of the contemporary world. Subjects such as Contemporary Thought; Anthropology; Intercultural Communication; Christianity and Culture; Person, Culture, Religion and Values, Political Philosophy, Professional Ethics, and Bioethics are designed to foster dialogue, critical thinking, reflection, and humanization across all fields of study. They serve as a point of reference and challenge in the personal development of future professionals and faculty.

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Activities of the Chair

The Blanquerna-Ramon Llull Chair also organizes various events and meetings throughout the academic year, including St. Thomas’ Day and two proclamation concerts at significant moments in the Christian calendar: a Christmas Proclamation Concert and an Easter Concert. The Proclamation Concert features a guest speaker, performances by the Blanquerna Choir, and other artistic presentations, including music, dance, and visual arts.

Additionally, a group of teachers known as the Blanquerna Intercenter Group of Christian Thought (GIBPC) meets monthly to collectively reflect on contemporary challenges from a Christian perspective.

Other activities include a biennial gathering of approximately forty participants, comprising Blanquerna’s teachers and administrative staff. This three-day conference on identity and mission, held in a house of spirituality, aims to deepen the understanding of the university community’s daily tasks in light of Blanquerna’s ideology.

Publicació Ars Brevis

Ars Brevis

This annual interdisciplinary publication compiles contributions from university professors in anthropology, ethics, and philosophy. The yearbook aims to publish research from an interdisciplinary and global perspective, with a strong pedagogical focus, serving the needs of learners. Divided into three sections—Studies, Monographs, and Reviews—the Yearbook maintains an academic and scientific tone while also including texts aimed at broad dissemination of thought. The journal features an International Editorial and Advisory Board, and all manuscripts undergo a peer-review process.



Interdisciplinary research groups are dedicated to fostering dialogue between faith and culture, communication and religion, pedagogy and spirituality, and campus ministry.

2. Area of ​​faith and spirituality

Each of the three faculties has dedicated spaces for reflection, isolated from the rest of the world, for the celebration of faith or cultural and religious activities. Personal attention and information about church life are available to all students who seek it. Various pastoral groups promote activities in this area, inviting participation from students, faculty, and administrative and service staff.

"Being and Knowing" Group

This group consists of students who want to look more deeply into their being, their existence and connect knowledge with their lives through dialogue, reflection and listening. Specific sessions cover topics such as love, death, evil, spirituality, and human nature.

Celebration of the Eucharist

Both the School of Communication and International Relations and the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences, as well as the School of Health Sciences, have chapels where the Eucharist is celebrated on certain days at 2:15 p.m. and 2:10 p.m., respectively.

Christian Initiation

This is intended for students from all Blanquerna degrees who wish to prepare for and celebrate Baptism, with the possibility of also celebrating Confirmation and Eucharist. Taking advantage of the university environment, this process involves various formation and fellowship meetings throughout the academic year, where participants share aspects of their daily lives while preparing for the sacraments of Christian initiation.

Pilgrims in the city

These are evening walks (from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.) led by a member of the Pastoral Team, featuring alternating moments of silence and dialogue. The walks take place in significant neighborhoods, streets, or avenues of Barcelona, focusing on themes related to the inner world and spirituality.

Social volunteering

It is a volunteering service in a Christian-inspired social project. It is aimed at Blanquerna students from all grades who are eager to explore and engage in social transformation. Two growth experiences are offered: participating in a volunteer social project or sharing a space for reflection to review one’s commitment as a volunteer.

Stays in Taizé

Once a year, students, faculty, and staff from the three faculties of Blanquerna-URL are invited to spend a few days in Taizé for reflection, prayer, and community life.

3. Area of Solidarity

Each school has a Solidarity Action Area, enabling students, faculty, and administrative and service staff to cultivate solidarity, responsibility, social commitment, and a willingness to serve as part of their academic activities. Additionally, the Solidarity Action Area, in collaboration with the URL, strives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the objectives outlined in the 2030 Agenda. This commitment focuses on actions that promote the common good and address local needs.

With the aim of providing students with opportunities for collaboration and integration in various altruistic tasks, and to encourage active participation in the pursuit of a fairer world, Blanquerna offers experiences both nationally and internationally. These experiences aim to deepen understanding of global inequalities and foster a comprehensive perspective on poverty, human dignity, and contemporary forms of exclusion.

In this regard, we collaborate with various social entities: notably, we have agreements with Mans Unides and Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona. Together, we offer awareness-raising talks, award prizes for socially sensitive final theses, and collaborate on specific campaigns. In the international field, we offer various opportunities, including a summer training program in interculturalism and solidarity in Delhi, India, and an educational trip to Tangier and Tetouan, Morocco.

Additionally, Blanquerna provides scholarships and social aid to ensure access to private university studies for young people who face inequality or social exclusion.


Contact us

Head of the Blanquerna-URL Chair: Jordi Sànchez ([email protected])

1. Academic field

Coordinator: Jordi Sànchez ([email protected])

2. Area of ​​faith and spirituality

Coordinator: Miguel Ángel Pulido ([email protected])

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science

School of Health Sciences

School of Communication and International Relations

3. Area of Solidarity

Coordinator: Jordi Sànchez ([email protected])

School of Communication and International Relations

School of Health Sciences

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences


Excellence is the future