

Document extract: Bibliographic citation criteria (prepared by TERMCAT) based on standard ISO 690 and the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). For further information, consult this PDF

AUTHOR. Title. Edition. Place: Publisher, year. Num. v. (Collection; num.)
ISBN num. (optional)

Unknown author
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1986-1998. 26 v.
ISBN 84-85194-81-0

From one to three authors
PANAREDA i CLOPÉS, J.M.; BUSQUÉ i BARCELÓ, J.; RABELLA i VIVES, J.M. Diccionari de cartografia. Barcelona: Government of Catalonia. Department of Culture: Curial, 1994. (Terminologies)

More than three authors
PERETÓ, J. [et al.]. Fonaments de bioquímica. [València]: University of Valencia, 1996. (Education. Materials; 15)
ISBN 84-370-2323-8

Literary editor, coordinator or compiler
DUARTE, C.; ALAMANY, R., eds. Tradició i modernitat en el llenguatge administratiu. Barcelona: Government of Catalonia. School of Public Administration of Catalonia, 1986. (Materials; 8)

SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE CIENCIAS HORTICOLAS. Diccionario de ciencias hortícolas. Madrid [etc.]: Mundi-Prensa, 1999.
ISBN 84-7114-818-8

Parts of a monograph

AUTHOR. "Title of the part of the monograph". A: Bilbiographic details of the complete work. p.
ISBN num (optional)
OWEN, T.M. "Alguns aspectes dels drets lingüístics al País de Gal·les". A: Drets lingüístics i drets culturals a les regions d'Europa. Actes del Simposi Internacional. Barcelona: Government of Catalonia. Departament of Culture, 1995. p. 105-108.
ISBN 84-393-3296-3
If only one of the volumes of a work has been consulted, this should be stated in abbreviation after the title, citing the Vol. and volume number in digits.
COROMINES, J. Entre dos llenguatges. Vol. 2. Barcelona: Curial, 1976. (Biblioteca de cultura catalana; 20)
ISBN 84-7256-005-8

Title: subtitle [Place of publication] Vol. (year), edition num.
ISSN number (optional)
Meta: journal des traducteurs [Montreal] Vol. 40 (1995), num. 3.
ISSN 0026-0452
Terminogramme: bulletin d'information terminologique et linguistique [Quebec] (1995), num. 77.
ISSN 0225-3194

Journal articles

AUTHOR. "Article Title". Journal title Vol. (year), edition num., p. x-x
GENTILHOMME, Y. "Termes et textes mathématiques: reflexions linguistiques non standard". Cahiers de lexicologie Vol. 76 (2000), num. 1, p. 57-89.
PETRALLI, A. "Néologismes, internationalismes et mondialisation". Terminologies nouvelles (1999), núm. 20, p. 60-71.

Newspaper articles

AUTHOR (if stated). "Article title". Name of newspaper [Place of publication] (day month year), num., p.
The place of publication must be included in square brackets if it is not part of the name of the newspaper. The date is given in full, in the language of the document.
RENDÉ i MASDEU, J. "Una Llengua útil". Avui [Barcelona] (2 gener 1997), num. 6901, p. 18.

Digital newspaper article AUTHOR. “Title” [Online]. Name of newspaper [Place of publication] (day month year). [Consultation: April 25, 2010]

GUTIÉRREZ, Thais. “Cues als lavabos de dones, una discriminació més”[Online]. [Barcelona] (25 febrer 2020). [Consultation: 25 febrer 2020]

Official publications

Title (day month year), edition num.
The date must be transcribed in full, in the language of the document.
The citation of texts from official publications follows the format shown above, preceded by the title of the text in quotation marks and a period.
Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (4 desembre 1996), num. 2289.
"Organic Act 10/1995, of November 23, of the Criminal Code". Boletín Oficial del Estado (November 24, 1995), num. 281, p. 33987-34058.

AUTHOR. Title [Specific designation of type of document]. Place: publisher, year.
Any person or entity that has participated in a significant way in the creation of its artistic or intellectual content or in its production can be attributed authorship: authors, composers, performers, directors, producers, etc. If none are highlighted, they are cited directly by the title.
AMARGÓS, J. A. La Febre d'or [Audio disc]. Barcelona: PDI, DL 1993.
Imatges i fets del catalans [Video tape]. [Barcelona]: Fundació Serveis de Cultura Popular, 1983.

Name of the program. Responsibility (if applicable). Issuing entity, mention of the date of issue.
The specific type document designation is not indicated.
Autògrafs. Dir. Jordi Turtós. Canal 33, Televisió de Catalunya, broadcast on 13 January 1997.
Objetivo'92. RTVE, broadcast on 10 April 1987.
El Terrat. Dir. Andreu Buenafuente. Catalunya Ràdio, broadcast on 15 November 1996.

AUTHOR. Title [Specific designation of type of document]. Place: publisher, year.
If there is authorship responsibility, these are cited by author; if not, by title.
If they do not have a title, a brief description of their content is given in square brackets.
CATALONIA. GENERALITAT. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE. SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Monedes d'Europa [Poster]. Barcelona: Government of Catalonia. Department of Economy and Finance. Services Department, 1995.
FUNDACIÓ JARDÍ BOTÀNIC DE SÓLLER. Les Plantes [Triptych]. [S.l.]: Government of the Balearic Islands. Ministry of Education and Culture: Ministry of the Environment, [2001]. (Papers de botànica; 1)

Computer files AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER. Title [Computer file]. Edition or version. Place of publication: publisher or distributor, year of publication. Description of material (Collection). TERMCAT, Centre of Terminology; CATALONIA. GENERALITAT. LINGUISTIC POLICY DEPARTMENT. Diccionari d'assegurances: terminologia i fraseologia [Computer file]. Barcelona: INK Catalunya, [1996]. Two 31/2 discs (a.d.) + 1 user manual Documents online AUTHOR. Title [Online]. Edition or version. Place of publication: publisher or distributor, year of publication. [Consultation:] BELGIQUE. MINISTERE DE LA COMMUNAUTÉ FRANÇAISE DE BELGIQUE. SERVICE DE LA LANGUE FRANÇAISE. Banque de données terminologique [Online]. Brussels: Communauté Française de Belgique, 2000. [Consultation: 25 April 2001]

Digital newspaper article AUTHOR. “Title” [Online]. Name of newspaper [Place of publication] (day month year). [Consultation: April 25, 2010]

GUTIÉRREZ, Thais. “Cues als lavabos de dones, una discriminació més”[Online]. [Barcelona] (25 febrer 2020). [Consultation: 25 febrer 2020]

[ca.] circa, in front of the estimated publication date
comp. compiler
coord. coordinator
cop. copyright, in front of the copyright date
dir. director
DL legal deposit, in front of the data taken from the legal deposit
ed. editor or literary director
[et al.] et alii, indicating authors omitted
[i.e.] id est, in front of an amended publication date
num. number of the edition of a publication from a series
p. page(s)
[S.l.] sine loco, used when the place of publication is not known
[s.n.] sine nomine, used when the publisher's name is not known
[sic] placed after a correction
v. stated after the number of volumes in a monograph
Vol. stated before the number of the cited volume
Latest update: September 20, 2004


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