
How to prepare a bachelor/master thesis

At present, obtaining a bachelor degree or preparing a PhD thesis is not just about acquiring knowledge, researching and achieving results. Committees increasingly assess the presentation of works, the authoring of text and the correct application of rules of citation. A brilliant research piece can be rejected due to lack of attention to its formal aspects.

Below we offer you a selection of documents that can be very useful in the preparation of your Bachelor/Master degree thesis.

Regulations for describing documents are diverse and are issued by different entities.

The purpose of bibliographic citation is to provide our reader with information on the sources we have used or other related topics, so that they can locate them if they find them of interest.

In other words, the purpose of a bibliographic reference is to provide the information needed to locate the document with the minimum data and consistent presentation and ordering criteria.

More information in How to cite

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

School of Health Sciences

School of Communication and International Relations


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