
Library regulations

The following are users of the Blanquerna Libraries:

  • The professors, students and administration and services staff of the Blanquerna Foundation
  • Members of the Blanquerna Alumni community. Consult the specific library service regulations for Alumni
  • The professors, students and administration and services staff of the institutions of the Ramon Llull University (*)
  • The members of the institutions that form part of the CSUC (*)

(*) All specified users can freely access the libraries and consult the collections located in the rooms, during standard opening hours. However:

  • the libraries may establish access restrictions when circumstances so require (for example, at exam time or in situations of maximum attendance).
  • in the case of the library of the School of Communication and International Relations, the members of the institutions that form part of the CSUC will not be able to use the reading room

Library staff may require users to present a card identifying them as library users or any other document that certifies them as authorized users. Library cards are personal and non-transferable.

Users of the Blanquerna Libraries must respect the rules and operation of the service at all times. Specifically, they must:

  • Contribute to maintaining a suitable working environment, respect others and refrain from any activity that disrupts a good working environment that is conducive to reading and study.
  • For safety and hygiene reasons, users are not allowed to eat in the library or enter with drinks that could be spilled (cups without lids, cans, etc.)
  • After consulting documents, they must be left on the carts in the reading room: the library staff will ensure they are returned to their proper location.
  • Follow the indications of the library staff regarding the use of the facilities, equipment and services.
  • Respect, do not damage, and replace, if necessary, the bibliographic collection, equipment and facilities.
  • Respect the conditions established in the borrowing rules
  • Respect current copyright legislation, which establishes the limits for copying and distributing copies of copyrighted works.
  • It is forbidden to change the original configuration of the reference computers or install software on them or make improper use of them.
  • Respect the legal conditions of the electronic resources subscribed by the library, which establish personal use for study or research without commercial purposes.
  • Take care of your own personal belongings. The library will not be held responsible, in any event, for any theft or loss that may occur.
  • Display the contents of bags and folders in the event that the burglar alarm is activated or when prompted by the library staff.

Failure to comply with the conditions of use of the Blanquerna Libraries service may lead to the application of measures that limit or modify access to these services and resources. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, after notifying the staff, the person in question may be removed from the premises at the time of the offense.


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