
Request documents from outside the URL

The Document Acquisition Service provides access to books, articles, and other documents, both physical and digital, from around the world.

This service is integrated into the library's own catalog. When you search and cannot find what you are looking for, you have the option to "Expand the search" which allows you to request both physical documents - which may take an average of 7 days to arrive at your library - and digitized articles or chapters, which will be sent to your email within a maximum of 24 hours. You can also watch this video tutorial (2:23 min).

If, even after expanding the search, you cannot locate the document, you will find a form to submit your request, which will be handled by the Library.

Obtenció de documents

You can request the documents on the website or in person at the library where they are deposited. To use this service the following is required:

  • No to have overdue loans.
  • Not to have loans blocked by any penalty.

On the website

  • Choose "Expand search" and sign in with your institutional email address.
  • In the document request form, choose your preferred local collection location, which is the library where you want to pick up the document.
  • The system automatically chooses the institution that will lend the document.
  • In the event that the document cannot be lent, you will immediately receive a cancellation notice by email.
  • Several days later you will receive an email informing you that you the document is reserved for you for 7 days in the selected library.

PUC in person

Using your URL card, go in person to any of the participating libraries. Before going, please make sure you don't have any past due loans with the URL and that the document is available.

All users of this service can request 10 documents for 21 days and make 6 extensions (provided they are not reserved).

When you receive the return reminder notice, two days before the loan expires, you can renew it at My account.

The personal space My account lets you:

  • See the books you have taken out on loan, when you have to return them and if you can renew them.
  • Reserve documents.
  • Check the status of your reservations.

A delayed return results in a suspension of the borrower library's loan service. This suspension is increased by one day for each day of delay and for each document.


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