
How to sign. Author identifiers

How to sign

Signature standardization enables research staff to uniquely identify themselves and easily retrieve publications indexed in international databases.

To make this choice we need to consider several factors such as the structure of our name and the way in which international databases index names.


  • Always sign in the same way.

  • Sign with your full name, avoiding initials.

  • Sign in the international format, following the order "Name Surname".

  • If you have a compound name, it is recommended to join it up or hyphenate it.

  • If you want to use two surnames, it is recommended to join them up or hyphenate them. Using both surnames is particularly useful for persons with more common surnames.

  • Avoid the use of abbreviations, conjunctions and prepositions.

  • If you do not wish to remove a preposition/conjunction in a surname, it is recommended to hyphenate it.

  • If you have used different forms of signature, it is recommended to use the ORCID “other names” option (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).

Institutional affiliation in scientific publications allows institutions to identify which scientific publications their teaching research staff (PDI) have made over a given period of time. Proper institutional affiliation is important in terms of visibility of PDI research and the evaluations that can be derived from it, and is also key in national and international studies and rankings.

The required fields are as follows:

  • Research Group / Department
  • Faculty
  • Ramon Llull University
  • Address

For further information on order, language, etc., please consult your library.

Author identifiers

Author identifiers are used to unequivocally link publications to the researcher, regardless of how the publications were signed and in which institution the research was conducted.

It aims to do away with the problem of ambiguities, and duplicities in assigning authorships, either between similar names, or in the event of changes in the same author's signature over time.

It facilitates searches for publications, both by the same author and by other authors.

It provides knowledge of the impact of research, bibliometric indexes (H index, citations, etc.)

Acronym for Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier, this is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to provide a unique identifier under which authors can group their publications.

Authors must register themselves with the name under which they sign, and they must also include the possible variants under which they may have published previously.

Registration on ORCID, which is free of charge for researchers, also allows you to register your work and share and interrelate it with other networks and information systems. ORCID is compatible with other author identification systems such as Scopus or ResearcherID, and aims to be the future of all of them.

It is a unique identifier, consisting of 16 digits.


  • Avoids the ambiguity of personal names
  • Provides information and ensures the most complete recovery of scientific output attributable to an author
  • Forms part of the future Research Portal of Catalonia
  • Is required for publication with all major publishers
  • Facilitates the presentation of documentation for calls and grants.

As soon as you have your new ORCID number, we recommend that you enter it in your MERIT CV, under the personal data section. If you already have one, you can also enter other researcher identifiers in this section, such as the ResearcherID or the Scopus Author ID.

It is important to keep ORCID up to date because many tools are updated through it.

The ResearcherID platform has been renamed Publons.

It is the research profile system of Web Of Science. It allows us to incorporate all publications indexed in WoS, link ORCID and also from other identifiers. From our profile we can consult metrics and analysis of results (Index H, citations, etc.)

It is an identifier assigned to each author who has a publication in journals included in Scopus. It provides us with a metrics report.

Since it is an automatic system, the publications assigned to each author must be controlled since they may require corrections.

It is one of the main reference databases in the international arena. If we have articles in Scopus, we will have a profile with an associated number and the associated citations and references gathered in the database. This number can be associated with the ORCID profile, automatically incorporating the publications.

This identifier will enable us to achieve wide circulation and make it easier for other researchers to cite us.

  • It allows us to disseminate our scientific publications, improve our visibility and impact, manage the curriculum and keep it up to date.
  • It enables us to ascertain our bibliometric indicators: Index H.
  • It allows us to follow relevant scientists in our field of research. Stay up to date by receiving alerts about who is citing us and about new work.

To create it, you need to set up a Google Scholar account, to gather all emerging publications and generate citation metrics or get graphics.


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