
URL Loans

Through this service you can request the borrow documents from your library and other libraries at Ramon Llull University.

The students, alumni (under the conditions established by each center), teaching, administration and services staff of Ramon Llull University can make use of the lending service.

A University card is needed to borrow an item from the library
To use the service, first consult the Catalog and check if the document is available and in which library it is located. If the document is at your library, make a note of the details and look for it on the shelves. If it is at another library, place it on reserve and when you receive the collection notification email, you can pick it up at the library where you requested it be sent.

Two days before the return date you will receive an email notification; then you can renew the lend in your personal My account area. You can renew it 6 times as long as:

  • NO other user has placed it on reserve.
  • The return date has NOT expired
  • Your library card has NOT been blocked for any reason

In the My account space you can:

  • See the books you have taken out on loan, when you have to return them and if you can renew them.
  • Reserve documents.
  • Check the status of your reservations.

A delayed return results in a suspension of the borrower library's loan service equivalent to one day for each day of delay and for each document.

Type of user Num. of documents Loan days Num. of extensions
Bachelor degree, master degree and graduate studies students and alumni 10 21 6
PhD and research students 10 30 6
Professors 30 60 6
PAS 10 30 6


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