

Search databases


First nameDescriptionManualAccess typeSubjects
Access Pharmacy

McGrawHill Publishing's digital platform, which gives pharmacy students access to videos, games, Q&A articles, and textbooks to aid their learning, and enables pharmacists to obtain information about drugs, herbs, and supplements.

You must authenticate your user accountPharmacy, Medicine and health

Catalan news agency

You must authenticate your user accountCommunication

Database of cinema films

Free accessCommunication

Music database

Free accessCommunication
APA PsycInfo

International bibliography database specializing in Psychology.

You must authenticate your user accountPsychology
Aranzadi instituciones

Database of Spanish and European legislation and jurisprudence. Created by Thompson&Aranzadi.

AranzadiYou must authenticate your user accountLaw

Digital archive of old Catalan journals. Contains complete collections of journals dealing with Catalan art, language, society and culture.

Free accessMultidisciplinary

Spanish food composition database. The values for food composition in this database have been obtained from different sources including laboratories, the food industry and scientific publications.

Free accessNutrition

Official State Gazette, compiles all legislation

Free accessLaw
Bot Plus Web

Information on medicines and parapharmaceutical products from, the website of the General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists

Request a password to access the libraryPharmacy
Business Source Premier

Database giving access to the full text of articles published in the main specialized journals dealing with economics, business, finance, accounting and banking, among other subjects.

You must authenticate your user accountEconomics and business, Sports management
C 17

Collective catalog of health science periodicals from 538 Spanish libraries. National Library of Health Sciences. Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Free accessMedicine and health

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