
Online materials protocol


The signing of the framework agreement between CEDRO, VEGAP and the CRUE at the end of June 2016 established the relationship between the universities associated with the CRUE, including the URL, going forward. This agreement establishes the concept of fair remuneration for authors and publishers of printed or printable works or publications, in accordance with art. 32.4 of the TRLPI (Spanish Copyright Act). This agreement is in force from the date of signing, with renewable extensions until another agreement is established, or another framework is specified.

The conditions of use set forth by this Agreement are as follows:

(exact copy of the Second Clause of the annex to the agreement between CEDRO, VEGAP and the URL).

Acts of partial reproduction, distribution and public disclosure of printed or printable works are understood to be authorized, without the need for authorization from the owner of the rights, provided that the following conditions are met:

a) That such acts be carried out solely for illustration for educational and scientific research purposes.

b) That the acts are limited to one chapter of a book, journal article or equivalent length in a similar publication, or equivalent in length to 10 percent of the total work, regardless of whether the copy is made in a single or multiple acts.

c) That the acts be carried out in universities or public research centers, by their staff and with their own resources and instruments.

d) That at least one of the following conditions is met:

  1. That the partial copies are exclusively distributed among the students and teaching or research staff of the same center in which the copying is done.
  2. That only the students and the teaching or research staff of the center in which the partial copy of the work is made can have access to it through the means of public disclosure authorized in this section, making it available through the internal, closed networks to which only those beneficiaries have access, or within the framework of a remote education program offered by said teaching center.

The exclusions are regulated in Clause three of the aforementioned annex to the agreement, which reads as follows:

It is not permitted to copy, distribute or publicly disclose musical scores, single-use works or compilations or grouped fragments of works, or individual visual or figurative works, which could be subject to licensing by the owner of the rights or the management entity representing them.

Likewise, express authorization is required for the reproduction of any printed or printable work, to an extent that exceeds the limits established in clause 2 b).

It is very important, therefore, that the entire university community (professors, students and administration and services staff) is aware of the limits of what can be made available in the classroom as well as on the virtual campus.

It should be added that all reproductions must state the title of the work and the name of the copyright holders (authors, publishers, translators ...), the year of publication, ISBN or ISSN and, in this case, the number of the periodical publication.

Below is the link to the original CEDRO-VEGAP-CRUE agreement (Annex) should you wish to consult it in greater detail.

Original CEDRO-VEGAP-CRUE agreement

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