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School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science

Study psychology, speech and language therapy, sports management, education and sport at Blanquerna.

Choosing the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences means choosing quality, proximity and opportunities. Thanks to the Blanquerna methodology, based on the individualization of the learning process, we can ensure a quality university preparation, supported by job placement rates.

Professora explicant als alumnes de l'aula

All courses taught at the school

Discover the bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorates and continuing education courses available




Internship agreements


Mobility agreements


Research groups

A host of resources at your fingertips

Teaching with state-of-the-art equipment enables us to guarantee quality preparation for our students to enter the labor market, as they will have become familiar with the resources used in the professional environment.

All the services you need while you are at the school

Whether you need personalized assistance or advice at any stage of your university experience, we offer a wide range of services to optimize your stay at the school.

Quality of studies

The new European legislative framework and the Spanish government itself, through the LOU, stipulate that universities must ensure that they meet the objectives specified for the courses they teach and pursue a policy of continuous improvement. As a result, universities must have policies, formally established and publicly disseminated, that guarantee internal quality.
To this end, the School has developed an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS). On the basis of evaluations within the framework of the AUDIT program, it received a positive assessment from the University System of Catalonia's Quality Agency (AQU), showing that it complies with the guidelines established in this program.

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Research at the School

The School works on the social impact of research, its links with graduate studies and the promotion of PhD theses.

The school's research work is carried out by various research institutes, with their respective research groups, that focus on studying and developing projects in the fields of Psychology, Education Science, and Exercise and Sport Science.

Recerca a la FPCEE

Studies with an international dimension

To become international is to discover the plurality in oneself, while discovering the plurality in others. Traveling and meeting people, encountering other cultures and languages, all contribute to our life experience and our growth as human beings and as professionals.


Excellence is the future