
Disciplinary regulations of the Blanquerna-URL School of Health Sciences

Pursuant to the provisions of these regulations approved in the exercise of university autonomy within the framework of the current legal system, the Blanquerna Foundation's School of Health Sciences (Universitat Ramon Llull) may penalize acts contrary to the rules of coexistence and operation of the School of Health Sciences classified as misconduct and carried out by students within the university premises and during off-campus stays that constitute academic activities. The foregoing is to guarantee respect for the freedom and dignity of all the people who form part of the university community and to enable the correct development of the teaching and research functions inherent to the university.

Article 1. Ranking of misconduct, liability and penalties

1. The imposition of the penalties provided for herein will be proportionate to the seriousness of the misconduct committed. For the purposes of assessing the facts constituting misconduct and the corresponding penalties, the following circumstances will be taken into consideration:

  • The degree of participation in the events.
  • The intentionality.
  • The nature of the damage caused.
  • The degree of disturbance to the academic order.
  • The reparation of the damage caused or the reduction of its effects.
  • The voluntary acknowledgement of the events, prior to the start of the proceedings, and the expression of regret and the apology.
  • Repeat offenders.
  • Personal, family and social circumstances of the student that may warrant or mitigate their liability.

2. Students who, without being the perpetrators of the events, cooperate in carrying them out with previous or simultaneous acts will be penalized:

  • With the penalty corresponding to serious misconduct, when their intervention has contributed to committing very serious misconduct.
  • With the penalty corresponding to a minor offense, when their intervention has contributed to committing serious misconduct.

3. Misconduct may be minor, serious or very serious

Article 2. Very serious misconduct

The following constitute very serious misconduct:

  • Acts of indiscipline, insults and serious offenses against academic authorities and/or professors and administration and service staff.
  • Serious offenses against the dignity, prestige and moral authority of the university institution, its ideology and its founding purposes.
  • Serious offense and aggression, either by word or deed, to any member of the university community (fellow students, teaching and non-teaching staff) and personnel of subcontracted companies or collaborating personnel providing services in the School, as well as to persons invited to the School, particularly those with gender, sexual, racial or xenophobic implications.
  • Impersonation in academic records and falsification, subtraction or destruction of academic documents or the use of false documents at the University.
  • Acts constituting criminal offenses or misdemeanors related to the academic field to be carried out on university premises or affecting the property of the School or members of the university community.
  • The repeated commission of serious misconduct (at least three) during the student's time at the School.

Article 3. Serious misconduct

The following constitute serious misconduct:

  • Acts of indiscipline, insults and non-serious offenses against academic authorities and/or professors and administration and service staff.
  • Non-serious offenses against the dignity, prestige and moral authority of the university institution, its ideology and its founding purposes.
  • Acts that seriously alter the ordinary development of university activities, inside and outside the classrooms.
  • Causing serious damage by fault or negligence to the School's premises, materials or documents, or to the objects or belongings of other members of the university community.
  • Actions that seek to falsify or defraud the academic assessment systems, particularly any irregularity in the student's obligation to identify themselves before the start of each official exam or when taking the exam.
  • Drunkenness, drug use on the School's premises or being under the influence of narcotics and, in general, the incitement or performance of acts contrary to the health of the members of the university community.
  • The repeated commission of minor misconduct (at least three) during the student's time at the School.

Article 4. Minor misconduct

The following constitute minor misconduct:

  • Any unjustified act that disturbs in a non-serious manner the regular development of university activities, inside and outside the classroom and in general any other act not included in the above sections that may disturb the order and academic discipline.
  • Causing non-serious damage by fault or negligence to the School's premises, materials or documents, or to the objects or belongings of other members of the university community.
  • Systematically and repeatedly (more than three times) entering the classroom once the class has begun, having private conversations in class or hindering in any way the work of the students and the explanation of the professor.
  • Entering classes, seminars and the library and any other place of work of the center with any kind of food or drink.
  • Smoking in the School's premises.
  • Systematic lack of punctuality or unjustified absence.
  • Using electronic devices in the classroom that are not strictly for academic purposes.

Article 5. Penalties for very serious misconduct

Temporary or permanent expulsion from the School, with the consequent loss, where applicable, of the right to take examinations and the corresponding loss of enrollment rights for the duration of the expulsion.

Article 6. Penalties for serious misconduct

  • Prohibition from taking exams in any or all of the academic year, of all or part of the courses in which the student has enrolled, with the consequent loss of enrollment rights.
  • Suspension of the right to attend certain classes for a term that may not be less than six days or more than fifteen school days, without this entailing the loss of the student's right to assessment with the obligation, where applicable, to perform certain home studies or compensatory academic work.
  • Penalties for serious misconduct may be substituted by performing services or activities for the benefit of the university community.

Article 7. Penalties for minor misconduct

  • Change of group.
  • Public reprimand.
  • Suspension of the right to attend certain classes for a term that may not be more than five school days, without this entailing the loss of the student's right to assessment with the obligation, where applicable, to perform certain home studies or compensatory academic work.

Article 8. Consignment of penalties

The penalties imposed will be recorded in the student's academic record and will be cancelled ex officio by the School when the student completes the studies in which they are enrolled or, failing that, within ten years of the penalty being recorded in the student's record.

Article 9. Publication of penalties

Besides being communicated personally to the offending student, the penalty will be published on the School's notice board.


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