STREAM: Society, Technology, Religion and Media
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Society, Technology, Religion and Media are key parts of today’s world. The growing technological innovation allows glocalització, hyperconnectivitat, the diffusion of space and time and raises even new capabilities to humanity.
The era of progress and communication coincides with the era of mass migrations, which contribute to creating pluralistic, diverse, multicultural and multi-religious societies, a fact that causes new challenges at the political, social and communicative levels. In this context, the informative role of the media is capital as they discover new business models to survive in the digital space. STReaM aims to investigate and respond to these challenges.
The presence of religion in the research carried out by STReaM is a differential fact in Catalonia and a pioneer in southern Europe. The group is part of one of the leading research centers in this field, the Blanquerna Observatory of Communication, Religion and Culture.
Daniel Esparza Olivero
Filòsof i professor. Doctor en Religió per la Universitat de Columbia.
Veronica Israel Turim
Doctora en Comunicació. Professora de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions internacionals Blanquerna (URL).
Santiago Justel Vázquez
Doctor en Comunicació per la Universitat Ramon Llull. Professor de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
Valentina Laferrara
Periodista i professora. Doctora investigadora del Grup de Recerca Consolidat STREAM (URL). Màster en Periodisme i Reporterisme Avançat. Col·laboradora de Catalunya Religió.
Ana Curic
Chiara Fagone
Laia Palos Rey
Núria Pujol Gamiz
Group work areas
Media, Culture and Religion: studies everything to do with the religious phenomenon and its communication and manifestation, through the media, art, fashion, gastronomy or cinema. This line also includes a field closely linked to the sociology of religion, as well as dealing with aspects of gender, identity or youth.
Humanities and Communication in Cultural transformation: addresses philosophy, anthropology, theology, ethics and art as a perspective for studying society and communication in a time of digital transformation.
Politics, Communication and Justice: analyzes innovation, technology, the digital age, social media and their effect on communication, politics and society. Study of new professional profiles, business models and emerging sectors.
Research projects
HUMCore: Humanitarian Corridors.
Coordinators: Santo'Egidio Italia.
Funding entity: European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
Year of concession: 2021.
Chair of Religious Freedom.
Principal investigator: Dr. Míriam Díez Bosch.
Financing body: Directorate-General for Religious Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Year of concession: 2021.
The expert sources in covid-19 in TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó.
Funding entity: CCMA and Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation.
Year of grant: 2022.
New Opportunities and Niches for Journalists.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó.
Funding entity: Colegio de Periodistas and Barcelona Activa.
Year of concession: 2021.
25N: Students against sexual and digital violence based on gender.
Principal investigator: Dr. Míriam Díez Bosch.
Funding entity: Ministry of Equality through the State Secretariat for Equality.
Year of grant: 2022.
The COVID-19 Vaccine and Prejudices in the Catholic Community.
Principal investigator: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó Sanz.
Funding entity: Google News Initiatives.
Year of concession: 2021.
Map of needs, existing resources and best pastoral practices for youth spiritual formation in Spain and Portugal and Map of leadership initiatives in the Catholic Church in Spain and Portugal.
Principal investigator: Dr. Míriam Díez Bosch.
Financing entity: Porticus.
Year of grant: 2020.
Services offered by the group
STReaM offers services for research, investigation, training and design of outreach activities for different targets. In this regard, we collaborate with public and private companies, as well as with non-profit organizations at a national and international level. Our projects are global and we have partners on all five continents.
List of services:
Research and investigation.
Advisory and consultancy services.
Study design.
Social Media Monitoring.
Creation and innovation in outreach activities.
Communication and dissemination of events and activities related to the areas of interest of the group.