PSICOPERSONA: Psychology, Person and Context Research Group
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The group focuses its work on understanding the person in all its dimensions (biological, psychological, social, spiritual). The group also focuses on the deepening of professional approaches that facilitate the processes of change, especially psychotherapy, with a specific emphasis on integrating perspectives and the inclusion of the entire person, giving importance to relational dimensions (therapeutic alliance, therapist style), and also emotional dimensions. It is also in the interests of applying this knowledge to specific situations in which the emotional links (loss, grief processes, adoptions) or motivation (additions to substances and behaviors, especially possible technological addictions in the networked society) are involved.
The goal is to provide a greater awareness of the person, a greater self-awareness of their potential and talent (emotional and social skills). Let us build on the potential of positive psychology and 'mindfulness'. It is also in the interests of understanding in depth the creation of knowledge about the person, both from an epistemological, ontological and methodological perspective, as well as the contexts that facilitate comprehensive training of people (e.g. in higher education).
Elisabet Solórzano Fàbrega
Marta Beranuy Fargues
Francisco Calvo García
Andres Chamarro Lusar
Héctor Fuster Laseca
Laia Garcia Sala
Adolfo Montalvo García
Alexandra Rodriguez Torres
Ariadna Salvà Aige
Miriam Sanabra Gonzalez
Lluis Serra Llansana
Antonio Talarn Caparrós
Group work areas
- Psychotherapy: Results and processes. Dr. Lluís Botella
- Cyberpsychology. Dr. Ursula Oberst
- Substance Addiction and Online Social Conduct. Dr. Xavier Carbonell
- Assessment and Intervention in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Sergi Corbella
- Education and Integral Development. Dr. Josep Gallifa
- Adoptions and Foster Care. Dr. Meritxell Pacheco
- Grieving Processes. Dr. Olga Herrero
- psychotherapy and mental disorders. Dr. Antonia M. Gómez
- Knowledge Creation (cross line)
In addition, the group also collaborates with:
- Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science. Faculty of Engineering. University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
- University of Nottingham Trent, UK.
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. University of Toronto, Canada.
- Metropolitana Nord Research Support Unit. IDIAP Jordi Gol.
- Research Group on Interventions and Determinants Associated with Healthy Aging (GRIDAES). IP: Dr. Pilar Montero Alia.
- Multidisciplinary Research Group on Health and Society (GREMSAS). This group includes the GRIDAES line of work.
Services offered by the group
The group mainly offers training and consultancy in the fields of study pertaining to its research work.