Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


PHAGEX: Pharmacotherapy, Genomics and Exposomics Research Group

The Pharmacotherapy, Genomics and Exposomics Research Group works to create multidisciplinary research projects combining pharmacology, genomics and environmental factors.

Grup de Recerca en Farmacoteràpia, Genòmica i Exposòmica (PHAGEX)

Group work areas

  • Pharmacogenomics and exposomics for therapeutic optimization.
  • Prevention and reduction of toxicity and adverse drug reactions.
  • Pharmacotherapy and environment as determinants of health.
  • Epidemiology, molecular epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology.

The group collaborates with the following entities:

  • Centre for Fertility and Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.
  • Hospital del Mar Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Department of Pharmacy, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08025 Barcelona, Spain
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
  • Research Laboratory Unit, Fundació Docència i Recerca Mútua Terrassa, Terrassa, Spain

Research projects

PERIS. Improvement of treatment with antidepressant drugs: development and implementation of new pharmacogenetic interventions in hospitals. Lead researcher: Maria Jesús Arranz (IP) and Juliana Salazar (co-IP). Funding entity: Government of Catalonia. Participating entities: FMT, HUMT, Hospital Sant Pau and Catlab. Allocation reference: SLT006/17/00148. Grant amount: €150,000. Duration: from 2017 to 2020.

Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects – Equal-Life. Lead researcher: Maria Foraster (IP local, co-IP WP3). Funding entity: H2020-European Commission. Participating entities: RIVM (Netherlands, coord) and more than 10 European research institutes and universities. Allocation reference: pending. Grant amount: €473,223. Duration: from 2020 to 2024.

Traffic-related air pollution and birth weight: the roles of noise, placental function, green space, physical activity, and socioeconomic status (FRONTIER). Lead researchers: IP: Payam Dadvand, Jordi Sunyer; co-IP, IP WP: Maria Foraster.Funding entity: H2020-European Commission. Participating entities: ISGlobal. Allocation reference: 4959-RFPA15-1/18-1. Grant amount: €999,998. Duration: from 2018 to 2023.

Pre-natal exposure to urban AIR pollution and pre- and post-Natal Brain development (AirNB). Lead researchers: Jordi Sunyer; co-researcher: Maria Foraster. Funding entity: ERC-European Commission. Participating entities: ISGlobal. Allocation reference: 785994. Grant amount: €2,499,992. Duration: from 2018 to 2023.

Air pollution, small placental non-coding RNAs and brain development. Lead researchers: Jordi Sunyer; co-researcher: Maria Foraster. Funding entity: HEALTH RESEARCH FUND. ISCIII (FIS-ISCIII). Participating entities: ISGlobal. Allocation reference: PI19/00417. Grant amount: €141,570. Duration: from 2020 to 2022.

Electromagnetic radio frequency fields, noise and sleep disorders in adolescence – INMA-Ado-Sueño Project. Lead researchers: Jordi Sunyer; co-researcher: Maria Foraster. Funding entity: HEALTH RESEARCH FUND. ISCIII (FIS- ISCIII). Participating entities: ISGlobal (Barcelona), CSISP (Valencia), BIODONOSTIA (Gipuzkoa), University of Oviedo (Asturias), HUSC (Granada) and associates. Allocation reference: PI17/01340. Grant amount: €141,570. Duration: from 2018 to 2020.

Long-term exposure to road traffic Noise and Brain development in Children: integrating neuroimaging to understand impacts (NBRACE). Beatriu de Pinós 2017 (competitive position with project). Lead researcher: Maria Foraster. Supervision: Jordi Sunyer. Funding entity: AGAUR. Participating entities: ISGlobal. Allocation reference: 2017 BP 00173. Grant amount: €92,000. Duration: from 2019 to 2020.


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