Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


GRPF: Couples and Family Research Group

Group recognized by the Government of Catalonia 2021 SGR 00553

The Couples and Family Research Group (GRPF) is made up of researchers with a long personal history of research on couples and family issues, both in the area of clinical psychology and social psychology as well as psychiatry and education, which results in an interdisciplinary group.

The focus of attention is on the emotional and communicative aspects of the family, considering it as the first maturing and educational space for its members. In addition, it addresses the difficulties of the family group by developing preventive and therapeutic intervention models.

Grup de Recerca en Parella i Família
Albert Izquierdo Grau

Albert Izquierdo Grau

Recognised/Established Researcher
Antonino Callea

Antonino Callea

Assistant Researcher
Rosa Jaitin

Rosa Jaitin

Assistant Researcher
Juan Luís Linares Fernández

Juan Luís Linares Fernández

Assistant Researcher
Iñigo Ochoa de Alda Martínez de Apelláni

Iñigo Ochoa de Alda Martínez de Apelláni

Assistant Researcher
Roger Prat Bosch

Roger Prat Bosch

Assistant Researcher
Jaakko Asko Tapio Seikkula

Jaakko Asko Tapio Seikkula

Assistant Researcher
Vânia Sousa Lima

Vânia Sousa Lima

Assistant Researcher
Adriana Bastardas Albero

Adriana Bastardas Albero

Pre-doc under contract

Group work areas

Couples and Family Relations: bonding, attachment, perinatality.

Family and Psychopathology.

Relational assessment of couples and families.

Innovation in couple and family interventions.

Violence in the family.

Family and Society.

Research projects

Family relationship diagnosis in mental health. Contributions to prevention, assessment and treatment. Reference: PSI2017-83146R. Funding entity: State Program for Research, Development and Innovation for Tackling the Challenges of Society. IP1: Anna Maria Vilaregut Puigdesens. IP2: José Antonio Castillo Garayoa. Duration: 1/1/2018-12/31/2020.

VR Per GENERE - Virtual reality prevention of gender-violence in Europe based on neuroscience of embodiment, perspective and empathy. Call: REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2019. Type of action: REC-AG. Proposal number: 881712. Activity: GBV-2019 1.1 Domestic violence. IP: Dr. Berta Vall. Duration: 24 months.

ERASE GBV - Education and raising awareness in schools to prevent and encounter gender-based violence. Developing and implementing a training programme for teachers and other professionals at school. Call: REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2018. Type of action: REC-AG. Proposal number: 856816. Activity: REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2018-1 GBV prevention. IP: Dr. Berta Vall. Duration: 24 months.

DeStalk: A crosscutting strategy for detecting and removing stalkerware in intimate relationships (2021-2023). Funding entity: Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (UE). Project reference: REC: 101005527. IP: Berta Vall.

Anàlisi dels processos de sincronia i aliança en la interacció humana: aplicabilitat a la teràpia familiar (2018-2018). Funding entity: URL Research Project Grants. Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). Project reference: 2018-URL-Proj-042. IP: Anna Vilaregut Puigdesens.

Violencia en la relación de pareja y experiencias traumáticas tempranas en jóvenes adultos (2017). Funding entity: CIDEM Research Group Grant. FPCEE Blanquerna. IP: Berta Aznar Martinez.

Mecanismos de selección de pareja y género: Cómo afectan los cambios sociales y culturales en la elección de pareja (2016-2018). Funding entity: Grants for research projects of the Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences, Program 1 of the PGRID. FPCEE Blanquerna. IP: Carles Pérez Testor and Berta Aznar.

El apego, condición adoptiva y salud en familias adoptivas que tienen hijos e hijas adolescentes (12/16 años) (2015-2015). Funding entity: URL Research Project Grants. Ramon Llull University (URL). IP: Elisabeth Ballús Barnils.

Time between adoption and the start of schooling: Impact on Psychological Adjustment of international adoptees (2015-2016). Funding entity: URL experimental projects. IP: Carles Pérez Testor.

Desafíos actuales de la adopción en España (2015-2015). Funding entity: ACM Research Projects. Ramon Llull University. Project reference: ACM (ACM2015_13). IP: Carles Pérez Testor.

Consolidació i implementació del procés de validació del Cuestionario de Evaluación de las Relaciones Familiares Básicas (CERFB) en població espanyola, italiana i portuguesa (2015-2015). Ramon Llull University. Project reference: URL/R649.

Services offered by the group

Training in the field of family and couples therapy (link to master degree in family therapy)

Supervision of PhD, master and bachelor degree thesis (link to PhD in Psychology)

Clinical supervision


Excellence is the future