Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


GREDA: Research Group on Education, Didactics and Learning

GREDA is an emerging research group that encompasses 4 lines linked to different didactics under the same integrating umbrella. This common umbrella defines education from a constructivist, dynamic, humanist and ecological perspective; and explores the role of didactics linked to profound knowledge of a subject and procedural strategies of teaching and learning with the focus on students as the protagonist. The research lines are as follows:

  • the didactics of languages,
  • the didactic of religious fact,
  • the didactics of mathematics and experimental sciences and
  • early childhood education.

Apart from objectives linked to each line, this group sets out common transversal objectives: to bring educational research closer to schools and institutes by influencing knowledge transfer, to contribute to improving teaching training, and to investigate the impact of globalising educational proposals based on transversal skills.

nens educació infantil
Eloi Aran Sala

Eloi Aran Sala

Assistant Researcher
Veronica Asensio Arjona

Veronica Asensio Arjona

Assistant Researcher
Diego Mansilla

Diego Mansilla

Assistant Researcher
Clara Vidal Carulla

Clara Vidal Carulla

Assistant Researcher
Domingo de Guzman Cruz Clemente

Domingo de Guzman Cruz Clemente

Pre-doc under contract

Group working lines

principal investigator: Cristina Corcoll López
Didactics of languagesDidactics of the religious factDidactics of mathematics ad experimental sciencesEducation in early childhood
Leading researcherCaterina SugranyesÀngel Jesús Navarro
Montserrat PratÀngels Geis
MembersCarme Flores
Helen Ruiz
David Soler
Jaclyn Wilson
Alain Blomart
Andreu Ibarz
Ana Eva Jarabo
(PhD student)
Xavier Marín
Elena BoadasCarmina Folch


Verònica Asensio
Josep Ballarín
Will Bromberg
Dirk Lagerwaard
Diego Mansilla
Marina Bernardo
Miquel Àngel Pulido
Eloi Aran(PhD student)
Juan Ramón La Parra
Jordi Sánchez
Clara Vidal
Jesús Canelo
Míriam Turró
Abel Martínez
PhD studentsAndrea Chánez (languages)
Mireia Sánchez (languages)
Marta Ramió (languages)
Elena Tormo (languages and mathematics)
Roberta Contín (languages and early childhood)


Excellence is the future